Yeah I was going to say, phones are currently growing bigger after hitting a sort of “peak small” lol.
They’re getting so huge that it’s hard to find a small one without ordering an old model. I like to be able to see things and all but at a certain point they don’t fit comfortably in my pockets
Tbf phones grew bigger at one point.
Actually the display always grew bigger and the rest of it always grew smaller and at some point, the sum grew bigger
When the screens started getting good enough to watch porn on, the size trend reversed.
Yeah I was going to say, phones are currently growing bigger after hitting a sort of “peak small” lol.
They’re getting so huge that it’s hard to find a small one without ordering an old model. I like to be able to see things and all but at a certain point they don’t fit comfortably in my pockets
Ya, they’re too big now. I liked it when I could use my phone with one hand.
TVs might be an even better example
I don’t think so. They never shrank which makes them an even worse example for the meme or what do you mean?
Right now I’m sitting next to 2 TVs. One 34’’ CRT and an OLED with 4 times the screen area. The CRT weights 7 times more
Donno why I didn’t think about the volume and weight but only about the front area
@lugal @Zehzin Note the laptop screen also got larger across the depicted time gap.
They shrank by weight and volume for sure.
Not by screen area though.