Side note: another example of Gallagher more and more seeming to disregard his model sheets for the characters.
I mean Iggy, here. He looks like sort of a bigger, redneck version of the character. Or maybe it’s just his stunt double and they goofed up the take.
He is closer perspective wise. If we use her as an estimate of height he is probably 5 feet tall. Maybe he finally hit puberty?
What does this even mean
It’s a pun on the Met Gala. Honestly, this might be the most sensible Heathcliff I’ve seen so far.
I legitimately think this is the first good Heathcliff strip.
Hello new name for my dick.
I have to ask, why are you posting a version without the cat ?
The idea is that Heathcliff is an unnecessary addition to the comic, and that they still work without him.
Thank you
Here’s a reminder that there is something called Pornhubbed Heathcliff, and I’m probably weird but I find some of them truly hilarious.
I asked a few Heathcliff editors if I could repost their fresh edits in a dedicated Lemmy feed but got no response.
Meat Museum? I’ve got all their albums!