Since he can still run for office and become president while in prison, is this actually going to do anything to stop him from being president? Obviously it’s not gonna sway anyone who’s gonna vote for him, so is there any actual way this keeps him from office, or at least has some positive effect for us? I wanna join the celebration about this, but I don’t see any way it actually leads to a good outcome, just more deeply convince those for or against him that they’re right, maybe at best a few people on the fence about voting for Biden will be convinced by this. It just feels like theatrics, something to grab people’s attention that will never have any real effect on Trump or his campaign

    9 months ago

    I’ve read that according to polls, it might sway about 6% of Trump voters. If that actually happens then yes, it would matter a lot for the outcome of the election. That’s a big if though, so I guess we’ll see.

      9 months ago

      If it looks to potentially reduce Republican votes, then Republicans will just compensate by more effort trying to restrict certain demographics and areas from getting their vote in. They never have been supportive of everyone getting a chance to vote, it skews things towards the left. Anyone still remember when Karl Rove lost his mind on live TV because he knew what the numbers should have been had everything gone to plan, and liberals getting more votes was inconceivable to him.