I def wish more artists(like Pizzacake) would join. I check r/comics often on Libreddit and its nice to see them interact and a good way to find new underrated creators.
Yep. I’m a patron of Elk and it’s always disheartening to see them ask everyone to boost it on reddit. I understand it’s their best platform, but it’d be nice for other platforms to also be utilized. I mostly just don’t see Pizzacake anymore unless I open instagram.
If she joined Lemmy then I could block her account and I wouldn’t have to see her comics (as I did on Reddit). As it stands I don’t really want to block OPs account since they post and comment lots of different stuff. It’s nice to be able to block a specific creator from their own account rather than play whack-a-mole with freebooters.
And before people start saying I’m misogynist or something, I’m not. There are plenty of women webcomic artists I like. Extraordinary Comics and War and Peas just to name a couple. I just find pizzacake to be incredibly boring, low hanging fruit and barely even funny at all. Not trying to hurt feelings, I just don’t like her stuff and prefer to block it from my feed.
Same. There isn’t a single pizzacake comic in my folders and never will be. They’re just not good. Every single one is painfully low hanging fruit. Like this “joke” would be used in a half second throwaway gag on a sitcom. It’s not strong enough for a comic. But that’s like… Every comic Pizzacake makes. That or half of her comics are just her complaining about something.
Man, I wish Pizzacake would join Lemmy.
I def wish more artists(like Pizzacake) would join. I check r/comics often on Libreddit and its nice to see them interact and a good way to find new underrated creators.
Seriously. Her and Hollering Elk were some mainstays on the old place.
Yep. I’m a patron of Elk and it’s always disheartening to see them ask everyone to boost it on reddit. I understand it’s their best platform, but it’d be nice for other platforms to also be utilized. I mostly just don’t see Pizzacake anymore unless I open instagram.
Why? That’s her comic right there? What does that achieve other than bringing her ‘other’ business here?
If she joined Lemmy then I could block her account and I wouldn’t have to see her comics (as I did on Reddit). As it stands I don’t really want to block OPs account since they post and comment lots of different stuff. It’s nice to be able to block a specific creator from their own account rather than play whack-a-mole with freebooters.
And before people start saying I’m misogynist or something, I’m not. There are plenty of women webcomic artists I like. Extraordinary Comics and War and Peas just to name a couple. I just find pizzacake to be incredibly boring, low hanging fruit and barely even funny at all. Not trying to hurt feelings, I just don’t like her stuff and prefer to block it from my feed.
I doesn’t work that way bro. You clearly know something about yourself but you’re trying to get one step ahead of it.
People that aren’t misogynistic don’t have to defend against it beforehand.
When a person it criticising her, I can see why they would feel compelled to . Her defenders can be very aggressive.
Her detractors seem to be as active.
I’m pre-empting because I know both she and fans of hers have concocted this meme that anyone who doesn’t like her comics is sexist.
Like I said, it doesn’t work that way. You are being extremely misogynistic if you have to declare that you’re not before anyone even makes a reply.
I’m not racist but
Why are you randomly bringing up not being a racist? Only a racist would say that!
-your logic
I’m right there with you. Actually winced when I saw the name pizzacake just now. Pure garbage.
Same. There isn’t a single pizzacake comic in my folders and never will be. They’re just not good. Every single one is painfully low hanging fruit. Like this “joke” would be used in a half second throwaway gag on a sitcom. It’s not strong enough for a comic. But that’s like… Every comic Pizzacake makes. That or half of her comics are just her complaining about something.
Fucking pass.