I don’t think I can name any. Feels like stuff just doesn’t get buried here the way it does on Reddit
Yeah, it’s quieter so there’s fewer overall responses even in “popular” posts, but it doesn’t feel like anything gets ignored. If a post is interesting, you’ll get at least a few replies even if it takes a few days.
That part is kinda nice - the lower turnover on the “front page” means you’ll have people reading and commenting on discussions for days. If you reply to a 1-day old post on Reddit the only person who might see/reply to you is the person you replied to.
How many times can the same person post the same damn question in a ten-minute period? Seriously, you had to post that other question four times with very slight changes in wording? Just ask your shit ONCE and be done with it.
But it has been two whole minutes and nobody has given me anything for quandary or conversation!
When will we get multi-community (multi-reddits) support?
The lemmy devs are a bit slow, give em some time.
This one:
I’m falling and can’t get up!
A video where someone puts carpet on a car in the bike-lane. Can you identify this video?
It is on c/tipofmytongue , which is a place to re-find any media you have forgotten how to locate.
I actually want to see this video now, after replying to the thread.
I had one about the possible affects fall of the Cuban Embargo and the answers felt uninspired. Like, a bunch of people were talking about the benefits of the fall of the Cuban Embargo but no one could talk about how it could change both countries.