I’d put it on my website, which contains my real name anyway, but Signal says that I should only share it with people I trust. Also, the link (signal.me/…) contains long base64 string with unknown content. What do you think?
I’d put it on my website, which contains my real name anyway, but Signal says that I should only share it with people I trust. Also, the link (signal.me/…) contains long base64 string with unknown content. What do you think?
You can share your signal username. Mine is donnietello.01
Once you’ve shared it, if you’re getting a lot of spam you can just change it and it won’t change anything about your current conversations. It’s essentially just an invite link.
If you change it, do you have to tell all your trusted contacts what you changed it to?
Nope. Its not used for continued conversations. Just for starting them. If you change your username, your contacts will not see any difference.
All of Lemmy is now in your inbox
Art of Reverse Scraping. Now the previous commenter will get at least a couple known good Signal handles to spam for a little.
And now has trained more AI than anyone else.
Taps forehead.
My youngest sister doesn’t know what that means. I think it might be one of those lines of demarcation between millennial and Z.
i agree… do all millennials know tho?
I don’t even remember when that nomenclature drop off, i just remember getting online as kid and boy ohh boy… was it a time and place in history haha
From my memory, the timing seemed to align with Facebook. Moving from anonymous chatrooms to proper Social Media with a/s/l information and more already populated.
Even worse though, she doesn’t know any of the early memes. Hampster Dance, Badger Badger Badger, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Leeeeroy Jenkins. Salad Fingers. How does a young, gothic lass get through her teen years without Salad Fingers?
OG markers are lemonparty.com and two girls, one cup tho hehe
I was too young for 2 girls 1 cup back in the day and fortunately had the good sense not to watch it. I think I will forever be too young for that one.
It’s also a lot harder today.
Pardon me?
400ppm? That’s pretty hard water. Your espressos must taste awful. 😣
Probably just two or three ultra-nerds.