Addiction, obviously! :D
I don’t know that it counts as a disease, but, for anyone who never wants kids, infertility is a huge blessing.
Well, my cousin got a mild case of alpha-gal from a tick bite. He can no longer eat red meat but can still eat dairy.
He was always a huge asshole to his vegetarian sister. Like, sneaking animal products into her food and making her sick level of asshole. He was also a, “Real men eat red meat for every meal! Rawr! Women sense my alpha man manliness! Vegetables and healthy bowel movements are for sissies!” type bundle of insecurity and cringe.
So alpha-gal isn’t enjoyable for him, but it sure is for his sister.
Mononucleosis I imagine is like a lazy vacation for those who sleep through it.
as someone who had it… no. lol
Yep. Failed a semester of school. Lost a relationship. Lost a job. Nothing about it was fun or relaxing.
I remember one day being so tired I couldn’t even tell if I needed to use the bathroom and being so disoriented I wasn’t sure if I was actually walking to the bathroom or was just thinking about walking. Frequent disassociation. “Foggy” doesn’t cover it, it was like concrete was poured around my mind and body and it was slowly setting.
Mono feels like having a really bad cold while being anemic for half a year straight.
From the looks of it, it always seemed peaceful, like the people sleeping through the day seemed to enjoy it.
It’s really not. They sleep because they are utterly sapped of energy. It can be so bad that people have to temporarily quit school or work.
That happened when I attended. One month, me and maybe one or two other people in our age group were the only ones who showed up because everyone else got infected and stayed home (I never had the disease). I didn’t get along with anyone, so it was an amazing month.
The ones cast upon thy enemies.