2016: Trump
2017: Racism (also Trump)
2018: Russia (also Trump)
2019: believe it or not, Trump again
2020: COVID (also Trump)
2021: COVID and Racism
2022: Russia, again (also Racism)
2023: believe it or not, Russia (also Trump)
What’s wrong with speaking German? It’s the language of Goethe, Schiller, Bach, Einstein, Planck, Gauss, Leibniz, Hilbert, Marx, Nietzsche, Luther, Kant, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein… the list goes on and on.
Are you really gonna shit on all of that because of one failed Austrian painter with a funny mustache?
Meanwhile, liberals:
2016: Trump
2017: Racism (also Trump)
2018: Russia (also Trump)
2019: believe it or not, Trump again
2020: COVID (also Trump)
2021: COVID and Racism
2022: Russia, again (also Racism)
2023: believe it or not, Russia (also Trump)
They hate… Racism? How terrible!
Yes because hatred cannot be overcome by hatred, only by Love.
Well said. So in World War II and the Civil War, we should have just talked the enemy down, right?
Surest thou jest…
As long as atrocities in the past continue to justify atrocities in the present, there will be no end to atrocities.
Well if we did just try to talk them down we’d all be speaking German right now. Well, not me, my African American blood line would be extinct.
What’s wrong with speaking German? It’s the language of Goethe, Schiller, Bach, Einstein, Planck, Gauss, Leibniz, Hilbert, Marx, Nietzsche, Luther, Kant, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein… the list goes on and on.
Are you really gonna shit on all of that because of one failed Austrian painter with a funny mustache?
Ok you had me for a second, lol