So I am writing a thesis and what I thought that meant is making some cool programming project and then basically explaining what you did, how you did it and why. But today I hear that I am supposed to do things like “”“research”“” and “”“literature review”“”. Apparently one is supposed to find similar pieces of “”“research”“” and build on top of it. This doesn’t sound good bros. I have the thing entirely completed, minus a few grammatical errors on the document itself. What do I do?
You tell your thesis advisor they suck at their job.
You didn’t get any instructions before hand? Is this in higher education or earlier?
Work backwards. Find some literature/research that supports what you’ve done and work it into your paper.
Meet with your thesis advisor frequently. They should have helped you correct course long before you reached this point.
You must have had a class on how to do research, how to cite a paper, how to look for books in a library, etc. No?
I am not trying to come of as condescendent at all, it truly baffles me because I had such classes starting in middle school all the way up to graduate school and they were mandatory. Isn’t that the standard in higher education?