I’m curious because I see a ton of Google hate on here daily. It’s certainly not all unwarranted, and I do agree with some of the privacy concerns.
That being said I do very much enjoy their products. Gmail, Photos, Chrome, Gemini, Home, Assistant, YouTube, Pixel phones, etc… I’ve tried out many of the alternatives but always come back to their ecosystem.
Curious as to how many of you here on the fedi use Google products without the common associated angst from the FOSS community.
FWIW I don’t really like tech companies in general. They’re monopolies.
That said, I really admire Google’s environmental policies. I worry a lot about global warming and habitat destruction. They’re doing better than any other tech company on that front.
Other companies will just lie about their emissions. Like Amazon claiming it’s 100% renewable (it’s not even close). Google has been honest and clear with it’s emissions numbers since the beginning. And it has never been afraid to call out when they were wrong. For example, they recently updated their numbers when they realized one of their accounting methods was wrong. No other company has kept themselves as honest as Google on environmental things.
It’s a big company with 170k employees. I can name a million examples of it doing shitty things. Like shutting down Inbox. But the environment is far more important to me than some product I didn’t pay for.
For work, sheets is a godsend.
Everything else, i have better software.
i used to love google… ive been around since the beginning and used many of their products.
it feels like a friend or family member thats slid into serious meth or other drug use… you can only stick around attempting to help them for so long. at some point you know you have to cut your losses or be further dragged into their destruction.
when they dropped the ‘dont be evil’ was right around the time i also realized they dont actually support their products, and kill them on a whim. i jumped ship ~2012 when they started fuckin around with google voice and had no real ambition with G+. .
They didn’t drop the don’t be evil thing. It’s still right there in the code of conduct where it always was, they just moved it to the conclusion of the document so it’s the last thing that remains with you. See for yourself: https://abc.xyz/investor/google-code-of-conduct/
The supposed removal is a perfect example of the outrage-bait headlines I’m discussing in another comment.
There’s a whole Wikipedia page covering the motto drop. And yes, it was an ugly move deserving of all the bad press.
From literally the first paragraph stating it’s still there.
The original motto was retained in Google’s code of conduct, now a subsidiary of Alphabet. Between April 21st and May 4th of 2018, the motto was removed from the code of conduct’s preface and retained in its last sentence.[9]
So it’s dropped from the motto?
Yes, they dropped it.
It was a Warrant canary
right there […] where it always was.
they just moved it to the conclusion
Make up your mind, which one is it?
They definitely stopped living by that mantra at the same time. It may exist as a footnote to this giant code of conduct but it hasn’t been their MO in over a decade. The reaction is justified.
If it’s any consolation, they haven’t killed Google Voice. They haven’t updated it since 2012, but it’s still around.
I get updates a couple times a year.
But it hasn’t changed
I use Google products, at this point they likely know more about me than I do.
I dunno if I hate Google, but I’ve grown tired of their bullshit. I use their products, but mostly because they’ve become the default solution being so feature rich and widely used. They’ve leveraged that to bog them down with ads and Spyware and THAT I despise.
I’m frustrated because IMO their search keeps getting worse, but most of their other core products (Gmail, Chrome, Drive, Docs) are pretty good. I’m not mad about the lack of privacy because I feel that that was part of the deal I knowingly accepted back when I was an early adopter. I’d rather get free service than pay for impossible-to-verify privacy, especially when the free service has minimally annoying ads (eg. Gmail but not Youtube).
Man I’d say their other stuff is terrible as well. Yeah it functions but what a low bar to meet.
I’m happy with most of their stuff and use it a lot (calendar, drive, keep etc) but I know not to trust them not to kill things. I keep an IMAP copy of my emails and a local copy of my photos just in case…
I use a lot of Google products. I still rate their phones as the best, recently I use a Jelly Star instead purely because i was due a new phone from my pixel 3 but every current phone from Google and it’s competitors that fit my needs are way too big.
I stopped using Google search because in the last few months I’ve started realising it’s harder to find stuff that i want/need, so i now use ddg, which isn’t better than old Google but better than current.
Outside of those though I still use my Google account as my main federated account. Still use gmail (wish inbox was still around for it though), still use chrome, and drive is my cloud storage of choice. On top of that I have 3 Google nest minis and a Chromecast with Google tv.
I may be drifting away slowly but Google still has is teeth in me and at the moment where I’m being bitten I’m fine with it. Doesn’t hurt at all
For me it’s a love hate relationship. I love the idea of their products, but hate that often they’re the only feasible options in their categories.
Google make some good products. I am just not willing to trade my privacy for it.
Hate is a strong word.
I have a dislike for them. Especially in recent years. There was a time I thought they were the cool hip company with lots of cool innovations. When Google docs launched it was so revolutionary that two people could work with the same document at the same time.
Now I see them more for what they are: an advertisement provider. They’re only after our data. Once I realized that my dislike for them grew.
But my dislike for them hasn’t been enough to stop using their products. I’ve tried DDG a few times, but I’ve always been dissatisfied with their results.
There’s just so much to hate
It is aega Corp and they are all the same.
Treat them as the enemy of the people. Can’t go wrong
I don’t have feelings about corporations.
“Loving” or “hating” brands, let alone massive oligarchal conglomerates makes no sense at all. I want them well regulated and split down to reasonable size if necessary. Ideally competing in a well populated marketplace and restricted in their ability to cause damage.
That’s not “hate”. And it certainly doesn’t stop me using Google products and services and judging them based on their quality and performance.
Yes, I am a riot at parties, thank you very much.
Google have done a lot of great things and run some really vital projects that have benefitted the world. Anyone that refuses to acknowledge that is not coming at things honestly.
Yeah that’s my take on it, too.
Plus they’re far too big for “Google” to be a useful entity in discussions. The Google C-suites? The CEO? The Maps team? The Mail team? The support for end-user customers? Need to be more specific, because I bet the Mail team is bigger than some competing companies in their entirety.
Not trying to compare google to the Nazis, but this reads a lot like “but he build the Autobahns”.