How is the Magic V3?
My Note 20 5G is falling apart slowly and I was thinking of trying to import a Magic V3 from Europe to the US.
How is the Magic V3?
My Note 20 5G is falling apart slowly and I was thinking of trying to import a Magic V3 from Europe to the US.
The current parties will do nothing. We would need to replace over half of both legislative houses with people who support single payer Healthcare (right now there’s like less than 5 iirc) to make substantial change.
Insurance claims are approved or denied by medical professionals. In the state of NY it’s even required for a specialist to approve or deny specialist care.
Some doctors are just absolute scum.
I’ve been seeing Christmas shit in stores since before Halloween I don’t wanna hear any shit this year about the war on Christmas.
If there’s a war on Christmas, it’s fucking winning.
Oh, laugh if you feel like laughing!
Life is too short to worry about what should be done in which vibe.
I find my queer male friends are willing to be intimate while straight male friends are very shut off and rarely open up. Generally. Of course there’s exceptions.
Careful, people have been terminated and been sued for this kind of behavior.
You can make it very very spicy, however, as long as you’re willing to eat it too
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism complete with transhumanism a la Iain M. Bank’s The Culture series
Well you don’t want to eat every fish you catch, that’s not good for the fish population. You want to ensure you’re only taking fish that have had a chance to spawn, determined by size.
Catch and release fishing is fine for the fish. If you gut hook them and they won’t survive, well, you eat that one, but it’s also easier to avoid that if you know what sort of fish you’re looking for and change your hook/lure accordingly.
Go fishing.
For real. Take some time to focus on something new and “pointless”. Soak in some gorgeous views and learn about your local waterways. Reconnect with the land around you.
Life’s easier with a clearer head.
Both. If there’s a screw, I’m tightening it, baby.
I’m noticing your username and I’m thinking I know why we have different experiences
Yeah, fuck it
I uh think we maybe have had disparate Lemmy experiences but I’m curious to see the oddity you’ve found
Phenomenal excuse to dress up in costume and get drunk
There needs to be more costumed holidays
Factorio!! This work week has been hell and I have a week PTO starting Monday. So time to put in some effort in an asynchronous multi-player game with a friend.
No Man’s Sky is doing a Halloween event, too, so I might play around in that to get some unique cosmetics. And the Expeditions usually have a tailored experience that’s always fun.
I’ve been playing Papers Please in the 30 min or so I have for gaming in the evenings lately. I might play more of that to see if I can get all the endings.
Unless the weather is nice. Then I’m going fishing.
No Man’s Sky or Elite: Dangerous might offer you a stellar exploration experience you would enjoy over Starfield.
No RPG elements in either, though.
No, no I can figure it out from context, but it’s cumbersome and makes your thoughts difficult to parse.
LiKe I cOuLd WrItE lIkE tHiS aNd Be UnDeRsToOd, BuT i CoMe OfF aS kInD oF a JaCkAsS
You didn’t do this, like, at the start of this week, it seems. But, you’re absolutely right that it’s your right to make yourself more annoying to understand.
Good luck!
Edit: to the point of the post, this is probably illegal since it involves a sort of contract around voting.
The soundtrack to The Music Man