That Hitchcock meme is great! But for anyone else who wanted it to be real - it was originally a cure for insomnia, not fascism.
Plus Hitchcock was an abusive fuck, especially towards women, and he had a movie that was considered positive about the Nazis by some, but later shot a documentary about the Holocaust that wasn’t released until 2014, and two anti-Nazi propaganda films that weren’t released until 1994.
Thank you, I was wondering
Conservative followers don’t realize they are becoming fascists. It’s sad to watch and no conversation helps them.
I talk to people online who hate immigrants because they are ‘ruining their town’ and they want to make sure their town is ‘kept in their hands’ and when I call them racist for saying that an African shop hand is incompetent because they can’t speak English they can’t accept it.
They don’t see themselves as racist, sexist, homophobic or fascist.
They’ve unhinged from reality.
“WilL tHErE bE An invEsTIGatIon fOr the MuRdER of UnArMeD VeTeRaN AshlII BaBBoT?”
Clearly there are still a lot of the fuckers ready to fuck around and find out.
Unfortunately. She literally rammed her car into another car allegedly just because they made her mad. She had serious mental health issues, and it’s horrible that she died, but the same people don’t care when it isn’t one of “theirs.” They’ll make excuses for police violence in every case except where it was almost the only logical choice for said agent. Like what was he supposed to do? Some of those people were actually armed despite lies to the contrary. I’d be shitting my pants if the MAGA mob were making my work day that bad. What did they expect? I thought the Capitol police were absolutely incredibly soft and very very professional.
Ah yes, good old fashioned lead therapy. For fascism I recommend at least 9mm.
I find even simple gardening tools will do for the DIY-selfer.
Proof for the curious. I’ll let the bot relink to piped, I’m lazy.
Oh I love the last line. “An idiot could operate it, and indeed many do.”
Bloodlust seeks any acceptable target. Be suspicious of your own instinct for violence. Fascists also think their violence is righteous.
What do you mean “nope”? I’m pretty sure bullets stopped the fascists in WW2. Is this a point of contention with you?
Alfred Hitchcock did not say this.
And OP is just fantasizing about fascism as an excuse to fantasize about violence. Tough Mother fucker on the internet.
Stephen Crowder didn’t say all those things that memers on the Internet wrote on his sign either
Who says we are fantasizing?
- Stephen Crowder can get fucked
- Your violent fantasies can also get fucked
- Agreed.
- Fantasies?
I think some people are just looking for an excuse to do things they’ve been craving for a long time.
Let us not dehumanize the people we disagree with and call for violence. Because at that point we are no different than they are.
Bullshit. Fascism sees violence not as a means to an end, but a goal unto itself. It will be violent regardless. In contrast, even the most bloodthirsty anti-fascist sees violence as a means to an end; something to be left behind as soon as its purpose is complete.
If you want to stop it without violence, it has to be now. Once rooted in, a violent response is the only one that will work. Pretending otherwise will only enable them.
I just hope violence is kept at a minimum. Most of the people where I live are Trumpies (well the older crowd especially) and they truly are just totally oblivious. They certainly aren’t evil. It’s so unfortunate because these are people I’d say are good people. They’ve never killed or directly harmed a soul to my knowledge. I just hope if there’s violence that it’s targeted top heavy because we all know who the problem(s) are and they could probably be counted by any tally counter that goes to 1k. AKA don’t focus on the manipulated, focus on the manipulator(s).
Please note this is in no way condoning any violence outside of Minecraft
This is exactly how it started in Germany in the 1930ths:
Old people dreaming of the Empire - which by the way did very little for them - and not really into politics. They just wanted a change.
And then voted for their own hangman.
Best argument a relative told me why he voted for Hitler: “I thought he was a funny guy with excellent dark humor. I didn’t knew he wasn’t joking.”
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This is why we’re fucked. The only tool to fight violent fascists is more violence. That’s why I’m looking into relocating to another country. USA is brimming with violent assholes who can’t wait for an opportunity to lash out.
And everyone here acts like a pussy about it and thinks fascists wont be mean if we’re just nicer to them. 80% or more of this site’s users are gonna wind up in the box car
Always hilarious when the anti-2a groups post anything revolving around using firearms.
You’re so close to understanding the 2nd amendment…we welcome you.
Downvote me all you want. Fascist don’t stop using force because you created a meme.
Have you ever considered that you are crafting a subjective world around you that doesn’t exist? Nothing about this post has anything to do with firearms or the United States.
It’s a commentary on the need to respond to those who use force to dominate others, with force. The firearm, bat, or otherwise is a metaphor representing appropriate uses of violence (to overcome a fascist oppressor).
Being able to understand and interpret images and text is a skill you should have at least learned the basics of by high school, otherwise you end up misunderstanding the whole world and spend your life angry at things while everyone around you looks at you and thinks, “What?”.
Yes because I forgot how the nazis were defeated…with words and thoughts and prayers.
Also right now in Ukraine they’re kindly winning by sending strong worded memes and letters.
And Myanmar, they’re also fighting with just words.
You people are delusional if you think you can defeat authoritarian fascist with kindness and words and voting.
The only reason that fascist listen to is force. Get over it. Nothing in this world is given when it has been already taken by force.