Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
What is your name?
What is your favorite color?
What is the solution to the Hodge Conjecture?
Living Colour.
I have no fucking idea (didn’t say I had to provide a solution, just a reply).(didn’t say I had to provide a solution, just a reply).
I literally said “what is the solution to…” 🤨
You said answer these questions. The answer to the question is I don’t know
Ah fair enough lol
Flings himself off the cliff
What is you favorite color? Blue. No yel… Ahhhhhgh!
What is X in the Hodge Conjecture?
Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day
I’ll take seven lives for one
And then my only father’s son
As sure as I did ever love him I am not afraid(Who am I?)
No no no, it’s all about airspeed velocity.
What’s your favorite color, though?
Blue? No yell…
I’m sorry but the answer was an “egg”.
Pulls out glock
Time to clear the way!
I run but never leave your sight.
You can follow me if you think you’re right.
Hold me closed to alter your voice.
You may pick me, but I’m yours without choice.Reminds me of Sad But True.
Edit: don’t know how to do the spoiler that and don’t want to spoil it for everyone else
Here’s a table of markdown formatting that Lemmy supports. Unfortunately, not every Lemmy client supports all of the formatting, meaning some people may still see the spoiler regardless.
What’s green and red and goes round and round?
What’s blue and goes round and round?
Time, wait light, no a hole!
Frog in a blender.
A really really fast-moving light.
Running around a black hole
What have I got in my pocket?
He was at the north pole.
Wait, no, he was in a plane and jumped to his death!
A man. Crawls on their hands and feet as a child, then walks on two legs, then uses a cane.
Sometimes its an egg.
Isn’t it always “man”?
Based on the “I run but…” it’s most likely a river, no?
Could be a nose
True, if only they had let the GM finish the riddle 😔
The Wind
The doctor was a woman.
::: spoiler It’s a river :::
Sometimes it’s “nothing”
Well that’s something
Unless it’s nothing.
This thing all things devours;
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats mountain down.
Oh, you’re talking about Targ the Ruthless! That dude is a beast!
Sounds like water to me.
Not unless it’s also combined with a lot of time.