I liked the ending but overall the show was terrible. Not much is lost with the cancellation.
I liked it. Struggled at the beginning with lots of walking and talking to fill out time, but it tried to do something interesting with the rashomon story structure at the end.
I thought the seductive elements of the Darkside that they played up worked extremely well.
The squid games actor was great.
The fight scene in episode five was tons of fun. When Jason from the Good Place killed X2 by stabbing her 3 or 4 times with the short lightsaber I rewound to watch it a few times.
Probably would’ve been a better movie.
I didn’t like it but I think a season 2 was best than canceled, what did I gain watching s1? There’s no story, only setups and now everything was thrown in the garbage, what a waste of time.
It deserves to be cancelled for not telling a story
Then cancel Ahsoka, imo
Ahsoka continued a story off of Rebels that was, itself, continued off of Clone Wars. I’m unsure anyone that didn’t at least watch rebels would enjoy Ahsoka.
I watched Clone Wars and Rebels at least a couple times each. Ahsoka was so boring.
Yeah it was bad too. Live action star wars has one season of Andor and maybe 2 of Mandalorian everything else is bad to absolutely awful
My larger worry about this cancellation is the potential graveyard they may have kicked off. Netflix has a lot of cancelled shows that no one will ever watch, it just dilutes their overall library. If even Star Wars isn’t immune to this, then I really do hope Disney wasn’t lying and we start seeing fewer streaming shows coming out. I think we’d all prefer quality over quantity.
The one that hurts the most is Grendel. Netflix killed it without even airing it. :(
WHAT?! Man, that sucks. Big fan of the Grendel comics. It would’ve been cool to see Argent.
I don’t think this cancelation kicks off the problem of dilution of Star Wars brand identity. I think that problem has been happening for a while with the scattershot releases of movies and shows without the promised cohesion. There doesn’t seem to be a vision from high up of what Star Wars should look like, or where it should be going with the setting.
I highly doubt there will ever be a unified vision. Weren’t Favreau and Filoni supposed to be the vision for Disney+, and then Kathleen Kennedy kept stepping in?
Marvel got lucky with Feige, no one else has yet to achieve it. We shall see if James Gunn can succeed with DC
I hope they can continue the story in supplementary material.
with certain corners of the internet going after Headland, who is a member of the LGBTQ+ community
That’s some odd phrasing. Are they not allowed to say that someone is gay?
It feels like they are trying to dog whistle something, but I’m not sure what. Or was all the criticism completely unrelated and they are trying to stretch a point?
The producers once alluded that they were being review bombed by conservatives for the acolyte being too woke. Now, that might be true, but, the show also sucked in more than one way, which means there was no one to push back the reviews.
Reminds me of the George Carlin bit on soft-language.
going after Headland, who happens to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community
That’s basically how I read it initially.
Apparently that is how she refers to herself and its perfectly normal for folks to not refer to themselves as “gay” but as being part of the community.
I can live without this one. I want Andor season 2. The beauty of Andor is we know how it ends.
Pretty sure andor season 2 is under production.
MOTHERFUCKER. Now what are they going to do?!?!! They give us a taste of Darth Plaguis and Yoda 100 years younger and they CANCEL it?
I dunno. Leave it be hopefully. The show just looked really cheap. Their clothes looked like costumes instead of actual clothes. Not to mention how poor the makeup was for everyone.
Maybe I just prefer quality over quantity.
And yet it carried a $180m budget, more than something like dune part 1 (and slightly less than part 2).
There is probably a lot of creative accounting happening with a lot of those types of numbers. Any Disney + ad that has something to do with the Acolyte probably gets counted in that total. Countless examples of movies and shows with way smaller budgets that end up looking a lot better than most of the recent Disney slop.
I guess marketing getting rolled into that number, as opposed to movie budgets where it is usually separate could make up for it. Or it includes lots of long-term investments similar to the huge stage surrounded by screens (“the volume”) that they used for the mandalorian. Although I am not aware that acolyte did something like that.
Countless examples of movies and shows with way smaller budgets that end up looking a lot better than most of the recent Disney slop.
Yeah, but that just goes to prove that money doesn’t solve every problem. It didn’t fix the writing either. The spending part is easy enough.
They can still do something with them. They did nothing in the show.
disney caving to the toxic part of the fandom and cancelling another show with a poc lead? this is why we pirate.
deleted by creator
if that was the case then d+ wouldn’t have removed every single merch item from the store. they basically just caved to a bigoted mob for no reason.
deleted by creator
The “anti-woke” (or whatever they call themselves) hate is absolutely ridiculous, and anyone who takes it seriously is an idiot.
That being said though… The show was just bad. Nonsensical or missing character motivations, a thin excuse for a plot, and a huge disappointment compared to what it could have been.
I really hope the reactionary hatred didn’t factor into the cancellation, or at the very least that Disney doesn’t take away from this that they should hire fewer women and people of color. I hope they take away to invest more into better writing.
FWIW, they ran a survey prior to the cancellation asking if people watched the whole thing, what they liked, what they didn’t like, what they’d like to see in Season 2.
I expect those survey results had more to do with it than anything else.
It was nowhere near as bad as the reviews suggest. Manny Jacinto was honestly great. The Stranger’s helmet design with the metal cables looking like a deranged smile was cool, as was his ability to temporarily disable lightsabers. The new king fu element to the fight scenes was interesting.
His ability to short out lightsabers was another Thrawnism, cortosis weave. Like Thrawn, largely wasted and apparently thrown in for no real reason.
The fight choreography drew me in and then that all went out the window in Ep. 3.
Episode 3 was just to make us ask questions that would be answered in episode (I think) 7. They didn’t set this up very well though. It was presented too genuinely, and people didn’t realize we were seeing through the flawed eyes of a child narrator.
That happens when you show scenes the child narrator is not present for. :)
Killed by incels, racists, and people who expect waaaay too much from the Star Wars franchise.
The commercials killed it for me. I hated having to watch commercials.
Maybe it just wasn’t very good.
It definitely is possible. It’s also possible, and factual, that I’m just one of the people that didn’t care about the things I mentioned, and just liked the show. I want a season 2 & 3, to be honest. Sad news. I am angry.
I can believe you liked the show. I just think there should be some restraint before painting others with, at least the implication of all being terrible people for not enjoying the same pieces of fiction.
I think it is most likely that Disney pulled the show based on sagging viewers rather than caving to the extreme fringe opinions of ragebait YouTubers.
Too bad. I didn’t care very much for most of S1, but it seemed to be getting going in the last couple episodes and gave me hope that S2 would be decent.
Well, no surprise there.
After the first two episodes I was willing to give it a chance, especially since they dispensed with the whole “Is she or isn’t she the killer?” nonsense almost immediately.
Then everything went to shit in episode 3 and I just stopped watching. Mae’s damage vs. the Jedi is that she set a fire that killed everyone? Seriously? How is that the fault of anyone except Mae? To the point where she wants to kill everyone else?
If you had kept watching, then you would have learned that episode didn’t show the full picture and that Osha’s memory of the events had been altered by the Jedi.
Honestly it’s kind of infuriating how many people were drawing conclusions after barely watching the show, or the many people that clearly never bothered to watch at all and based their entire opinions exclusively on social media ragebait. And this no doubt also contributed a lot to poor viewer stats.
The show wasn’t excellent by any means, it could’ve been so much better, but I didn’t feel like it was that bad as a lot of people made it seem like. And it definitely needs one to watch the entirety of it before drawing any conclusions considering the story and character developments.
Good example was people complaining about the fact that Carrie-Anne Moss’s character being killed off within 5 minutes in the first episode, yet they didn’t even bother to think about or wait for the fact that she could appear in more episodes through flashbacks. Clearly the show was made around misguiding viewers and infamous “subverting expectations”.
It’s a shame the show has to end this way, but at least the main story about the twins feels semi-complete. But unfortunately also a lot of open endings still, which are maybe better left like this, or perhaps wrapped up in novels or something.
barely watching the show
It’s my understanding it was released episodically like broadcast television. It doesn’t matter how bad a show is I’ll probably binge the whole damn thing if the entire season drops at once, but give me an exit point and one bad episode could be the end.
The problem is that people then base their entire opinion of the show on an incomplete story.
It’s fine if people don’t like a show and don’t want to continue watching it. But people judging an entire show based on only one or a few episodes, or just on social media ragebait, shouldn’t be taken seriously. And I feel like exactly the latter has been happening with this one a lot.
Sadly a lot of people are easily convinced by communities circlejerking and dogpiling on this kind of stuff these days.
They want a series to keep viewers around for more than a month, and I think they are trying to replicate the water cooler conversation piece that Game of Thrones was. I remember spending a few minutes each week discussing GoT with coworkers, driving everyone’s interest.
That being said, I just really don’t like shows where you feel you never know what’s going on until they put the pieces together for you in the last episode. I get it’s supposed to keep you intrigued and speculating, but mostly I just get angry that show runners substitute mystery for caring about the characters.
The GoT strategy only works if the writing is good. Dialogue and plot quality are vital, specially when you’re watching an episode to episode release model. Often times I felt like I was watching a bunch of middle schoolers cosplaying and making up the dialogue and story as they went along on the playground. Nothing of interest was happening, no deep topics were explored, what was said had no literary or poetical interest, it lacked any complex structure and it sometimes didn’t have any structure at all, there was nothing to discuss on the hypothetical water cooler talk. Its cancelation is probably going to drive more conversation than any of its episodes ever did.
I think this is broadly giving them too much credit. Right-wingers wanted to make a big culture war battle about it, so they pissed and moaned so hard about nothing that it influenced more centrist or liberal people into overthinking the show or just bandwagoning and saying its shit. I just assume that anyone complaining about the plot either didn’t really watch it with an open mind, or had quite poor media literacy - it was very obvious to me watching it that we had an incomplete picture, I even said as much on Lemmy and got a bunch of downvotes for it lol
I didn’t hear any political commentary about it, and watched it with an open mind that was invested in another Star Wars story, especially after Andor. And I watched it episodically. But, holy fuck. It broke all the force rules built up until this point, and the story didn’t make any sense. The Pitch guy did a great recap of it.
Honestly, I just don’t believe you. Or maybe you just didn’t realise the criticism/commentary you consumed was ideologically motivated.
It didn’t break any “rules” of the force whatsoever, even as far as there are rules. Not that it would even matter if it did, imo. The story made perfect sense. It might not be a story that you liked, and that’s okay - you’re allowed to dislike things. I don’t like cabbage. But it doesn’t mean that it’s bad, or that cabbage is a sign that farmers don’t know what vegetable fans want.
That’s about right. It was mediocre. Which is to say, I had fun watching it with my kid. They introduced a solid villain. I hate to see that story dropped.
They introduced a solid villain only at the end.
It would be like Star Wars where you don’t see Vader until the trench run.
I’m talking about Manny Jacinto’s character, who was there through the whole season.
If the show cannot keep their audience engadged and interested. That’s the fault of the show, not the audience. You see many stoped watching after just a few episodes. Cause the show had so many flaws that enough is enough.
“Not a book to be lightly thrown aside. Should be thrown with great force.” - Bill Miller.
If the narrative is so poorly constructed that it turns away viewers instead of engaging them, that’s a problem.
Episode 3 made me feel like I wasted my time watching 1 and 2.
The full picture is worse though. Mae really did set the fire that destroyed the place. Mae also locked everyone inside before that. She didn’t directly kill everyone, but they did that themselves by mind controlling one of the Jedi.
No it’s not? The fire is literally almost completely irrelevant. The important thing is that Mae, as a child, witnessed the Jedi break in to their home, murder her mother, and that the Jedi basically are ultimately responsible for all of the trauma she experienced.
That’s what Acolyte is about, not trivial bullshit like fire in space. The only people who give a fuck about that are absolute losers.
I didn’t even bother. I checked out after Ahsoka. I really don’t give af about “woke”, the writing has been terrible. These series have so much embedded lore you have to watch YouTube vids to figure out context. I don’t have time for all that.
I thought Ashoka was good, I just didn’t like that I had to watch a 5 seasons of an animated tv show to understand what tf was going on.
Same. I really liked the Jedi trainer droid. I thought that was cool. And the jedi played by the actor that passed away. But the zombie storm-troopers at the end were just too much, but I’m a middle aged man, the kids probably loved that part.
This is the first I’ve even heard of this show. It must have dropped during one of my “pissed off that Disney can’t be arsed to keep their Android app working.” phases.
Oh well.
I was excited for it but stopped halfway through episode 3. They should have started with episode 3, left things unclear then start off with episode 1.
I honestly didn’t feel any sort of connection with any of the characters. I felt bad for Sol. He got peer pressured by a bunch of Jedi buttheads.
I’d rather have more episodes of Boba Fett than The Acolyte.
I’d rather have more episodes of Boba Fett than The Acolyte.
Hell no. Boba Fett was way worse. Worse than Obi-Wan even. Just give me more mature & dark shit like Andor.