I dunno*, if ever there were a symbol for reaction instead of proaction, it’s Batman. Punch their face, toss them in an “asylum”. Sometimes announce to noone in particular, “they’ll get you the help you need.” Like he actually believed it or is trying to convince himself, as if it wasn’t the 15th time he’d bloodied this guy’s face. Great detective, though.
*I’ve never read the comics
The superhero teams all get reactive names. Defenders, avengers, etc. Never instigators, proactors…
It’s as if initiative is evil. The only good is preservation of the status quo.
Batman is plenty proactive. For example he had collected each of the Justice League member’s weakness just in case one of them go rogue.
He also became Batman, which I imagine took some time and effort. Seems like the sort of thing you’d have to do in advance at least.
Didn’t prevent his parents deaths though. What a lazy p.o.s. Not proactive at all.
I imagine inheriting your family fortune helps and Alfred with his connections / extra hands. That being said I’d rather a billionaire like Batman than the ones we got.
You’d like to see vigilante billionaires that take justice into their own hands instead of leaving it to the courts?
I feel like you romantizised that idea a bit
Batman seems pretty ethical to do it. Others? Probably not. Still he is better than the billionaires we got.
At the very least he doesn’t go around shooting people, in most comics at least.
Musk just bought himself a judge who ruled that Musk’s slapp suit falls under said Texas court’s jusrisdiction. For what reason does it fall under Texas jurisdiction? Well, the answer is fuck you, you’ll get sued in Texas where slapp suits brought forth by billionaires are legal, that’s why.
“One last thing: just imagine I was wearing some rad bat-inspired suit instead of just my boxers. Should be finished in about two days max, hold on, I think I got pictures of what it should look like on my phone, lemme see… Wayne birthday party, no, Wayne Manor basement Batcave construction site, no, Alfred’s risotto, no, BATSUIT CONCEPT ART, there we go, have a look at this-”