Well, this is cursed.
Imagine how much time, pain, and global suffering he could have avoided by just not making this.
Man could have gone out, touched grass, and maybe got a hug.
Why do you hate sensuality?
I dunno, I think making things like this is Clowes’ lifeline. He makes comics about how dirty and self hating he is to keep himself going.
So I reckon it’s no waste of time and reduced global suffering and pain.
Today is a terrible day for eyes.
I know you are being ironic and such, but it’s amazing how conservative people have gotten. Next thing you know women will be required to wear dresses.
Ironically Conservatives love that third panel with the children.
I hear that the average conservative has 2 horns and a tail. And feasts regularly on human flesh.
The average American conservative wants to by a genital inspector outside of bathrooms. That’s why they are so obsessed with the trans community.
Bunch of fucking weirdos.
The average American conservative is not filled with organs like you or I. His body is hollow, lined with thick black velvet.
Dude, in every panel of this Santa’s targets appear to not want to be touched. Santa needs to learn that and go away. He crossed a line.
Maybe he needs a visit from Consent Santa?
Not to mention trespassing.
That is a creepy ass Santa lol
At first I didn’t like this, but then I noticed the apology at the bottom.
Shame is a universal condiment.
Can I put it on my fries?
Shame is an emotion you idiot, you can’t put it on a physical object. (So yes, here you go.)
Then I hated it even more. He knew what he was doing.
Are you a Christian fundamentalist?
Jack Chick vibes.
Well, that’s enough internet for today. Cheers folks!
Crying during a surprise massage is the perfect one panel for this comic.
Trump gets weirder every day
Sensual Beans bath
The apology 💀