Slugabed I’ve used before, usually to describe me!
To paraphrase a shower thoughts post from a few weeks back though (not mine), why is going to bed early seen as pious but staying in bed late seen as slothful when the net result is the same amount of time spent in bed?
Stupid morning people took over the world and convinced all regular people that their lifestyle is equivalent to being hard-working.
This stems from the agrarian times when utilizing as much of daylight as possible equaled to getting as much work done as possible.
Consequently, modern studies show that night owls are better scientists and creatives, while those morning folks are better at menial and repetitive jobs. Got em.
Are these words real? They’re lovely.
They are. I’ve seen “sere” show up in crosswords quite a bit. I didn’t think “fungiform” was rare, but Firefox’s spellcheck doesn’t seem to recognize it. “Resplendent” just sounds gorgeous. And “slugabed” is new to me, but I love it.
“Slugabed” is in the Merriam-Webster!
The resplendent Quetzal is an important cultural icon of Mesoamerica. That’s where I’ve seen the word used commonly.
Resplendent and fungiform definitely are, and I hope slugabed is because it’s describing my mood this Sunday morning rather aptly.