Cubic hands?
Cubic hands?
There were some polls asking why people voted for Brexit. Not only where there respondents wanting imperial measurements, there was even a small but significant group that wanted the return of pre-decimal currency, which was abolished in 1971.
For those not familiar with the UK’s old currency, it used to be 12 pence in a shilling, and 20 shillings in a pound, and with a variety of coins representing odd combinations of those.
Stone is only real used for body weights now, and mostly be older people. I see metric weights used a lot more in medicine and by younger folk now.
Power costs vary a lot around the world, depending on where OP lives every little saving can help.
That’s a gross assumption that people care about any of this.
For any form of federated community to be sustainable, its users have to care about that. Otherwise those communities will eventually be consumed by whichever instance gains the critical mass to close itself off and become another Twitter or Reddit.
To achieve the benefits of federation, users must be educated on principles of federation, not be obfuscated from them. The question is how the Fediverse can do that.
Functionally it’s harder to accidentally press on the bottom.
Although it’s also now harder to intentionally press too. It looks like a finger can fit under there, otherwise you’ll be flipping it over to power on.
I don’t think it’s the first time for Amazon either.
I honestly don’t know how they do it. Whenever I get handed someone else’s device without an adblocker I find it almost painful to try and use.
Resplendent and fungiform definitely are, and I hope slugabed is because it’s describing my mood this Sunday morning rather aptly.
They are fairly crap as a hand dryer too.
With RFC 1149, this would still work now.
According to the internet, he did it at university, eating nothing but mince, chicken, and mayonnaise for about 2 months. He did so to annoy other students in his classes who were vegan or vegetarian.
I’ve actually heard a few stories of uni students getting scurvy, although they were because they either didn’t know how to cook or couldn’t afford food.
They are more comfortable than they look. The lack of a second analogue stick is a big limitation though.
There was a prototype VMU MP3 player in the works before the Dreamcast was discontinued, alongside a music store.
Sega also produced a digital camera for the Dreamcast, the DreamEye.
The tech world could have looked very different if the Dreamcast went differently for Sega.
I have an X220 with an i5-2520M, I don’t use it for gaming but I have briefly played Half-Life 2 with it and it was comfortably playable.
So I would say mid-2000s titles and before will be fine. It really depends on the age the Thinkpad you want is, and the age of the games you want to play.
Don’t let the fancy bottles trick you into ignoring the potential side effects though, you don’t want to get too spliced up.
They got round that a bit by having the player be a sort of prototype Big Daddy, who was more agile and human like. You still had to fight other Big Daddies to get Adam, but they added a new option to temporarily “adopt” their Little Sister as well as harvest or rescue them.
I haven’t played 2 in a while but from what I remember the gameplay was fairly fun, especially with the drill weapon.
Seems a pointless endeavour. The open and enterprise sides are so deeply linked, it makes sense that they share a brand.
Separating them only weakens the broader SUSE ecosystem.
Except in England, where it is still largely grey and miserable. We are still patiently waiting for summer.
Considering the doomsday bunker fad that’s popular in techbro and executive circles currently, such honesty might not count against you.