It’s in the USA’s geopolitical interest to maintain relations with Israel.
It gives them a foothold in the middle east, on the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Egypt and Turkey have too much leverage for the USA to influence them, and the other allies are all past the red sea. Israel is smartening up to the situation and taking advantage.
After the messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, other states saw weakness in the USA and their allies. They need to maintain their current allies to show that they can protect all of their other relations.
We won’t get any resolution of the situation until after elections are over. If Biden does anything, it may negatively impact the Democrat’s campaign.
Also, don’t forget that Israel spends a lot of money to influence US elections. Until we have genuine campaign finance reform that disallows this, we’ll have to deal with politicians who treat Israel better than it otherwise needs to be treated.
It’s in the USA’s geopolitical interest to maintain relations with Israel.
We won’t get any resolution of the situation until after elections are over. If Biden does anything, it may negatively impact the Democrat’s campaign.
Also, don’t forget that Israel spends a lot of money to influence US elections. Until we have genuine campaign finance reform that disallows this, we’ll have to deal with politicians who treat Israel better than it otherwise needs to be treated.
At this point israel is on a mission to get America expelled out of every country in the Middle East.
If the US needed a foothold they would make israel accept a two state solution with the Palestinians.
Bibi flying in to order Congress around is also not exactly what I would call a show of force.
At some point people have to ask why the tail is wagging the dog.