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Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • It looks like Larson had trouble figuring out the composition of this comic.

    I’m guessing it went like this: He needed to put the sign somewhere that it could be read, so he put it up high. Then he put the door high so that the panel wouldn’t have a lot of empty space. But then, he needed to add stairs to the door, and suddenly there wasn’t enough room for all of the victims. So, they’re hanging in this strange little space next to the stairs that probably wouldn’t exist in real architecture.

  • When I was in middle school, a girl who I didn’t know once confessed to me, and I turned her down. I haven’t told anybody this until just now, but literally the only reason I turned her down was that I didn’t drive a car, so I couldn’t see how we could go on a date. It didn’t occur to me until much later that literally nobody in middle school drives a car, and somehow they still date.

  • I save things expecting to reuse them, but then I am disorganized and often can’t find them. Often with little computer accessories. So, even if I do need to reuse a dongle or cable, I can’t find it and order a new one anyway.

    I am glad that I am not the type of person who collects items thinking they’ll increase in value, or I’d probably become a full blown hoarder.

  • I get the humor of the comic, but I generally think it’s a bad idea to compare two people in order to make a judgement, or even two groups of people. If you actually look at the groups, you’ll almost always find that each community has its strengths and weaknesses. They can actually learn from each other.

    I was watching a video of a lady who escaped from North Korea. There was a real food shortage, and people were barely surviving. But she also said that she missed the feeling of community that she felt in her home town. That there was a certain kind of happiness that she felt living in a poor community struggling to get by that she couldn’t replicate.