“Where do you get your ideas from?” is an unexpectedly bad question.
It’s such a bad question that Norm MacDonald had his sidekick Adam use that question as a joke to annoy their guests.
“Where do you get your ideas from?” is an unexpectedly bad question.
It’s such a bad question that Norm MacDonald had his sidekick Adam use that question as a joke to annoy their guests.
Suspiciously similar to a trick parents use on their children. “Do you want to eat the peas first or the carrots first?” Gives them the illusion that they made a choice about what to eat.
It looks like Larson had trouble figuring out the composition of this comic.
I’m guessing it went like this: He needed to put the sign somewhere that it could be read, so he put it up high. Then he put the door high so that the panel wouldn’t have a lot of empty space. But then, he needed to add stairs to the door, and suddenly there wasn’t enough room for all of the victims. So, they’re hanging in this strange little space next to the stairs that probably wouldn’t exist in real architecture.
This comic reminds me of how Captain Kirk has three ears. A left ear, a right ear, and a final front ear.
When I was in middle school, a girl who I didn’t know once confessed to me, and I turned her down. I haven’t told anybody this until just now, but literally the only reason I turned her down was that I didn’t drive a car, so I couldn’t see how we could go on a date. It didn’t occur to me until much later that literally nobody in middle school drives a car, and somehow they still date.
Start with Putin and Netanyahu. If they’re cancelled by everyone, that includes their subordinates. They won’t be able to wage their wars if people won’t follow their orders.
I had heard that “you” was originally “thou”, and the plural was “thee”. But people used a character called “thorn” to write the “th” in “thou”, and it ended up looking like this: þou. But eventually the þ got substituted with “y”, due to some printing press shenanigans. So, “you” was singular and “ye” was plural.
The wikipedia on “you” didn’t completely answer the question, either.
I save things expecting to reuse them, but then I am disorganized and often can’t find them. Often with little computer accessories. So, even if I do need to reuse a dongle or cable, I can’t find it and order a new one anyway.
I am glad that I am not the type of person who collects items thinking they’ll increase in value, or I’d probably become a full blown hoarder.
This is obviously the perspective from the side of the mirror dimension.
In an odd way, it sort of reminds me of those old paintings of noble women wearing giant dresses that they probably needed a team of maids to strap them into.
The hypocrisy is just the worst part.
I get the humor of the comic, but I generally think it’s a bad idea to compare two people in order to make a judgement, or even two groups of people. If you actually look at the groups, you’ll almost always find that each community has its strengths and weaknesses. They can actually learn from each other.
I was watching a video of a lady who escaped from North Korea. There was a real food shortage, and people were barely surviving. But she also said that she missed the feeling of community that she felt in her home town. That there was a certain kind of happiness that she felt living in a poor community struggling to get by that she couldn’t replicate.
That was necessary because for that toilet if you were misaligned, things could go very wrong. I don’t know if the newer toilets require the same training.
Astronauts have one of the weirdest jobs. How many prestigious jobs require you to watch a video of your own asshole?
Vertical ranching
And tar pits are just alien latrines.
This would be a controversial comic if it were released today, due to all of the controversy around the idea of vicious breeds.
Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays.
Also, don’t forget that Israel spends a lot of money to influence US elections. Until we have genuine campaign finance reform that disallows this, we’ll have to deal with politicians who treat Israel better than it otherwise needs to be treated.
“What, the curtains?”
Some monks train their bodies either as part of their prayer or meditation, or train in order to be able to pray or meditate longer. They don’t usually end up with arms that look like that, though.