Ok this one’s good
Last flight I went on the pilot announced, “We’re in for some slight turbulence for the next hour”. After 45 minutes of shaking he then dropped, “We should be out of the turbulence in the next hour.”
we need more train drivers who say you’re about to have turbulence when they know there’s shitty tracks ahead
“We’re coming up on some BNSF track up ahead, someone will be around with a complimentary barf bag shortly.”
Oof, I’d 100% puke. So far only happened once but it was only like 10 minutes of bad turbulence that got me. I always double check for a vom bag now and bring a toothbrush in my purse just in case
I’ve always wondered about this.
You can’t really mistake plane steering vs actual turbulence though. But it’s a funny idea, for sure.
Reminds me of this skit: https://youtu.be/oOFlN_qTCf0
The real question here is which came first. The cartoon or the skit?
Comic is from 1986, and Sluipschutters debuted in 2013.
Sigh, its my own fault I did leave the /s off.
Lol my bad, there’s people on every post in this goddamn community “ThIs CaMe OuT tOdAy?!” I thought you were another one of them lol.
“This is your pilot speaking. There’s some turbulence up ahead. I’m gonna try to dodge it. Hold onto something.”
does a barrel roll