I of course make grammar mistakes and typos when messaging/commenting from my phone, but I can’t imagine creating and posting something with a mistake like this.
10-15 years ago this woule have been something to ridicule and downvote, and now most people don’t even seem to care anymore.
we normalized typos as a society. And, tbh, if not for the comments, I wouldn’t have noticed.
I read the comic, I understood it, I didn’t see the typo. So, no harm done, and, therefore, no reason to complain?
isn’t she’s
Everyone: edits text, doesn’t proofread it afterwards
Everyone Else: you left an artifact in there bro.
I of course make grammar mistakes and typos when messaging/commenting from my phone, but I can’t imagine creating and posting something with a mistake like this.
10-15 years ago this woule have been something to ridicule and downvote, and now most people don’t even seem to care anymore.
Full disclosure: You’ll notice an edit on my parent. I originally submitted isnt. No one is immune from the curse.
Not everyone speaks English as their first language.
And not everyone who speaks it as their 2nd or 3rd language makes that mistake
What about people who speaks it as their 4th language?
We don’t talk about them
we normalized typos as a society. And, tbh, if not for the comments, I wouldn’t have noticed. I read the comic, I understood it, I didn’t see the typo. So, no harm done, and, therefore, no reason to complain?
Is nis she tis fortten??
Yous ain’ts goins nowheres
You shouldn’t’ve