I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.
- Jack Handey
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.
- Jack Handey
That’s definitely not Comic Sans. It’s similar – you can compare the screenshots in the image – but I’m guessing it’s a licensing or cross-platform thing and they’re using a Google webfont?
I’m going to assume you’re being wilfully ignorant but not trying to be an ass. “Gay” is more often used of men than women, and it’s perhaps more common for people to use “lesbian” for gay women, but it just means homosexual (or sometimes more generally not heterosexual), regardless of sex or gender.
Cambridge: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same gender or sex”
Merriam-Webster: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex”
Oxford: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same sex”
Brittanica: “sexually or romantically attracted to someone who is the same sex”
Wiktionary: “Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself.”
JWST is the 2021 James Webb Space Telescope, if, like me, you’re not plugged into this stuff.
It’s looking more and more like the universal expansion was different when it was young than it is now. When it was young it was denser, galaxies were closer together, and conditions were just different. We know that dark energy plays a huge role here, causing the expansion to speed up, but how it does that isn’t clear.
Agreed. I mean, it’s just a mullet, but you’re not wrong.
[Funko Fusion] game feels like an off-brand LEGO game in all the worst ways
I have a bias here because I’ve never understood the appeal of model collecting in general, and of dead-eyed, amorphous Funko Pops in particular, but I am shocked that a cash grab on the back of emotionless, artistically-bereft figurines wasn’t a smash hit.
Well, not that shocked.
I used to do this, too, until local charities started complaining about all the lamps being posted into their donation boxes.
Just move to Portmeiron and you’ll get your own canopied penny-farthing.
Issue #1 or 5? You decide!
This got a bonus chuckle from me.
I’m yet to see a convincing, authoritative historical source on the “whale killer” factoid. Follow the trail on asesina-ballenas and Basque fishermen and you get nowhere.
We’re excited to announce the new Sony WH1000XM6 headphones, enhanced by the power of spanners!
I don’t see why my headphones need a sp-
Conveniently built in to your headset, you can use the spanner to adjust bolt tightness on-the-go!
Okay, but that’s not wh-
We’re proud to be leading the market in spanner-augmented products to bring a new level of convenience to your life.
Spanner may sometimes only appear to tighten bolts. Please don’t ask us the energy cost of manufacturing the spanner.
I’m weeping at the damage to those floorboards. Could they not have been lifted first?
There’s no safe way to answer this without giving away plot points, I don’t think. Most important thing is that it’s sci-fi, not a drama about developers in the way you might expect.
I loved Season 1, but I felt it became bogged down after that - almost a soap opera.
Not everyone speaks English as their first language.
Yes, but not deliberately - I think it depends on the species, but they’ll eat decomposing plant matter, faecal matter, carrion, soil, fungi. They’re not too picky. If the bird guano contains tiny flatworm eggs, bad news for the snail.
The larvae (possibly not quite the right word) eaten by the birds lodge in the international tract near the cloaca. The eggs they produce are passed out, and snails eat the eggs.
~This comment is best read with Hans Zimmer’s “The Circle of Life” playing in the background.~
Mango comes from Malay, and the man part means “mango tree” (where the gga means “fruit”).
“Mango tree, fruit! Mango tree, stop!” seems kind of biblical.
“Car” (as in “carriage”) refers here to the basket. It’s the same fundamental meaning as in “motor car” - a thing that carries people. You can see this use plenty in older books.