For the first time in my adult life I’m not at college on Halloween (just graduated) and I’m passing out the candy for my household. I always knew going without a costume on Halloween was lame but now that I’m seeing it from the eyes of an adult passing out candy, I can see it is actually REALLY lame. Do y’all pass out candy to kids not wearing a costume on Halloween?

Edit: The comments here are pretty unanimously on the side of passing out candy no matter what, and I don’t disagree. Trick or treat is a very big thing in my neighborhood, so it has surprised me to see as many kids without costumes as I have. Still, I try to not make assumptions, I’ll just be a chill adult and do the job of passing out the candy either way. I appreciate yall’s input!

    4 months ago

    We invited another friends’ family over to sit at a table in our driveway. Had dinner, chatted, handed out lollies to about 40 kids, gave them compliments on their costumes. The 10 who were without costume got the same lollies and “Happy Halloween”. I remember what it is to be a kid.

    The parents chaperoning kids around are usually not in costume.

    As for our decorations and costumes, we had fake spider and snake out, I dressed up family members in a sugar-skull shirt, and I wore a NIN Ghosts shirt.

    Before heading out front, my dad-joke got a groan, when I said, “I am dressed as ghosts!”

    4 months ago

    My wife used to get all grumpy with high school kids (and sometimes even adults) trick or treating. I told her, I’m glad to see anyone that still has that spirit and energy. And if they don’t have costumes… They probably can’t afford them. Worst case, they’re doing something better than the trouble they could be up to.

    … But fuck those people that take the whole bowl at houses with no one home.

    4 months ago

    Well, tbh, we don’t bother with it at all now. There’s not enough kids doing it to merit the expense or effort involved (and it ain’t like either are high enough to matter, which shows how bad Halloween has gotten).

    But, yeah, back when kids still did it, who cares about costumes? Halloween isn’t dressupday. There’s other traditions involved, including kids running around and having fun just for the sake of the fun itself.

    Besides, who am I to determine whether or not someone needs a costume? They might not be able to afford one. They might have some weird religious thing about masks or whatever. They might have some medical issue that prevents a costume. They might have had a costume, but something happened to it. I don’t know why they’re not wearing one. But if they show up at my door, they’re celebrating Halloween. They’re taking part in not only a community activity, but a very human activity. That’s worth some candy by itself.

    Shit, I’ve given candy to adults that rolled up and said trick or treat because it isn’t only about kids. I’ve handed extra candy to adults and kids that asked with the explanation there was someone that couldn’t make it. IDGAF if it’s true or not, it isn’t about me.

    I fucking miss Halloween the way it used to be. You’d think in this bumfuck nowhere semi rural town, we’d still have people out and about. But no, we haven’t had a single visitor on Halloween since covid. Even before that, it was two or three the entire night and had been for years.

    There was so much fun in putting on a Halloween playlist, or movies, or whatever and waiting to see or hear someone coming. Even if I didn’t dress up myself, it was fun to see everyone out and enjoying the night. Hell, back when I was still in physical therapy, on a bloody walker, I was in the living room ready to go. Hopped up on pain meds, but still.

    I’m envious that you live somewhere it’s still a big thing, costumes or not.

    4 months ago

    Dude, it was like 70F here on Halloween night. Both my kids were sweating bullets when we got them out of their costumes. A couple kids in our group had to take them off because it was overbearing.

    Hell I went as Hagrid so my costume was like…sweatpants and a wig. And I had to take my wig off. Granted, I had filled my 30oz Yeti with a pretty strong cocktail for the walk. But still.

    4 months ago

    Yeah, because at least they’re outside and doing something social, instead of being a hermit like me.

    4 months ago

    Yeah, there’s any number of reasons a kid might not have a costume. Finances, health, sensory issues, the list goes on.

    Its free candy day, who gives a shit just give out free candy! ❤️

    4 months ago

    I just walked around with my son and surprisingly I didn’t see one kid without a costume. There were a lot of kids out this year.

    4 months ago

    A lot of the kids in my neighborhood are Muslim and it seems the girls aren’t allowed to wear costumes if they are hijabis. I’m not excluding them because of a stupid religious thing.

    4 months ago

    Yes, definitely give everyone treats. Not everyone has the opportunity to dress up for various reasons.