So I found out from my grandma that my Facebook account got hacked. I haven’t used it in like a decade and don’t care about it, but I also don’t want it being used to potentially scam people.
I told everyone I know who still uses FB to block and report the account. Today I was trying to get the account shut down and it is now locked (says it’s not visible and can’t be used by anyone). Is that enough to prevent it from being used for malicious purposes? My only goal is to keep people like my grandma from getting scammed.
I’m hoping it being locked is enough to solve the problem but wanted some extra feedback from people who maybe know more than me :)
Do you have access to it? If you do, or at least the email, I would reset the password associated with it, add 2FA just for good measure, then deactivate the account. If you haven’t used it in a decade why keep it?
It’s locked so I would have to verify it in order to do any kind of resetting passwords and stuff. Which requires uploading photo id and a video of my face. I don’t really want to do all that, so I’m hoping that it being locked is enough to keep it from being used by hackers.
I honestly just stopped using it so long ago & hadn’t even thought about the account until my sister told me it got hacked. I don’t care about having access to it, I just want it to be effectively useless lol
Ew, yeah that’s not great… Then yeah I think you’ve done everything you can without logging in
Yeah the whole process of trying to deal with facebooks customer service has been annoying to say the least lol.
Glad other people also seem to think having it locked is a good enough solution
If you don’t want it to exist, you should get Facebook to delete it.
I tried but they would want me to verify it first & thats a whole process that requires sending them a photo of my lisence and a video of me. I don’t really want to do all that lol
Thus me hoping that it being locked is good enough
That’s messed up they want even more info from you. I wonder how hard/expensive it would be to get a lawyer to go after it for you?
Lol probably more effort and money than the zero amount I’m looking to put into it
Oh you sweet summer child, that is not something that Facebook will do for them
Depends on how committed he is.
Facebook has no customer support to speak of, the only known way is through their legal department and that requires an attorney or it’s ignored
Literal dream job ngl
Just upload a dick and boom. No more fb account.
Haha! Seriously? This works? I mean they will probably just disable your account that’s all, but that’s a neat trick if it works !