Australia -
Canada -!/
United Kingdom -
United States -
Australia -
Canada -!/
United Kingdom -
United States -
These list also make you a likely target for scam calls.
How do these lists make you a likely target for scam calls?
They give your phone number to telemarketers and say “please don’t call this number”. I doubt anyone in the government follows up and punishes any telemarketers that ignore their strong request.
They have a list of valid numbers and since they are scammers they don’t care if they are breaking the law by calling you.
Jokes on them. I haven’t answered an unknown number in years. Probably why I get so few scam calls.
Pretend you are running a scam call centre. Wouldn’t you like a curated list of known real phone numbers and names of people that are likely to answer their phones because they are used to only getting legitimate calls?
Scamming outfits often use these do not call lists