My wife asked for a nice mahjong set for Christmas. What sort of features should I look for in a nice set? Where should or shouldn’t I shop for one?
Consider whether you want just Chinese numerals, or also Arabic (normal) numerals in the corner.
Consider which style of mahjong it will be used for. Depending on the style, there are different numbers of total tiles included in the set.
The feel of the tiles might matter to you, but unfortunately that may be difficult to judge when buying online.
They definitely need a satisfying, smooth clackiness.
Chinese or American? This might help:
They also have a video on making your own tiles. Crafting a set together could be a fun and rewarding experience, and could compliment a nice purchased set.
How would she react to you asking her about the qualities that go into making a good mahjong set? She might have something particular in mind ☺️
I did and the one feature she mentioned was that the tiles should be like stones. I guess me figuring it out is part of the gift.
You sound like a wonderful partner ❤️
Thanks, but there’s plenty of time for me to screw this up yet!
Yellow Mountain Imports is great.
I think this is what I’m looking for. Thank you!