Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.
Father; husband; mechanical engineer. Posting from my self-hosted Lemmy instance here in beautiful New Jersey. I also post from my Pixelfed instance.
Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.
For a while, that’s probably how I would have sorted myself, but how are the anarcho-syndicalists on taking power from capital and wielding it? How does that differ from Lenin’s guidance? (Part of why I don’t call myself an anti-Leninist is that I haven’t read any Lenin lol.)
Maybe anarchists are necessary to help keep the revolutionary state honest.
Yes, include a disclaimer and consider using the Peer Production License as well, which compells for-profit, non-cooperative developers to compensate you for using your work.
Make your own community and cross post. Cross post, cross post, cross post. Some people complain about it, but they’re being too precious about their timelines. It really makes Lemmy better.
Make your own community and cross post. Cross post, cross post, cross post. Some people complain about it, but they’re being too precious about their timelines. It really makes Lemmy better.
Adopting children is more difficult than giving birth to them in some cases. Also, the nice thing about reproducing your own children is that you can be sure that you’re not effectively human trafficking them or otherwise participating in family separation schemes. Idealism gets in the way of us realizing that adoption is kind of an industry with some dark aspects to it. Of course, good people choose adoption for good reasons and I am supportive of them. However, I don’t think there’s any good basis for judging negatively parents who choose biological reproduction. The only logic for that is Malthusian, which is a worthless, repeatedly failed doomsday prophecy as far as I am concerned.
If we’re counting property values, millionaires are a dime a dozen in some areas.
You need a computer and an Internet connection that isn’t too restrictive. Install Yunohost on it (or on a VM) and then the Lemmy app. It’s not perfect, but it will work. That’s what I do.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a billionaire IRL.
It’s called harm-reduction.
Maybe it could be a little robot with treads like a tank, always creeping against the direction of peristalsis.
A spray of hot water and some UV out to do the trick. Think about the planet.
Yeah, let’s just put some more sensors on it.
Take advantage of the free energy and build a power plant around it.
Gringo and yankee are both fine. However, it’s most correct to refer to people from the USA by their birth state.
Yes. I mean, there’s someone for everyone. She just needs to put herself out there. Getting on the apps is a start, but it’s important to just be social with people doing activities she enjoys. She needs to keep in mind that dating is supposed to be fun.
That part of the problem seems avoidable. There’s no need for an instance to automatically mirror content from other instances.
Definitely not good for anyone running a website hosting users’ content. However, I wonder if the Fediverse offers some resilience to this threat, since everyone can have their own server.
It beats having a landlord.