One I made up for a caster who always missed their rolls was a sentient wizards hat ‘clippy’. “I see you were trying to cast Eldrich Blast, do you need help with that” and occasionally giving them advantage (they really were rolling awfully)
I was bad at RPing it though and that campaign ended shortly after anyway
Cursed ring of acrobatics.
Gives the player great acrobatic skill, but sticks to their finger when they wear it. And they can’t stop getting around acrobatically. Any action attempted fails, unless it is done acrobatically. Player has normal or only slightly improved stamina.
Player: i’ll get my rope and grappleing hook and scale the wall.
DM: lifts eyebrow you think so, do you?
Player: sigh I throw my pack into the air and leap after it. At the peak of its arc, I flip over it, grabbing my grappling hook and flinging it over the wall as I do.
DM: ok, sounds like difficulty of 15…
Alchemy Jug
Source: Dungeon Master’s Guide
Wondrous item, uncommon
This ceramic jug appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Sloshing sounds can be heard from within the jug when it is shaken, even if the jug is empty.
You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the jug to produce the chosen liquid. Afterward, you can uncork the jug as an action and pour that liquid out, up to 2 gallons per minute. The maximum amount of liquid the jug can produce depends on the liquid you named.
Once the jug starts producing a liquid, it can’t produce a different one, or more of one that has reached its maximum, until the next dawn. Liquid Max Amount Acid 8 ounces Basic poison 1/2 ounce Beer 4 gallons Honey 1 gallon Mayonnaise 2 gallons Oil 1 quart Vinegar 2 gallons Water, fresh 8 gallons Water, salt 12 gallons Wine 1 gallon
Maybe you can find inspiration in The Book of Wondrous Inventions.
Singularity Barrel: Can hold an infinite amount of one type of item. You want it to hold scimitars? Sure, it’ll hold as many as you could ever want. You try to put one dagger in there? You gotta dump out all the scimitars.
Can you put two rabbits inside? Now you have infinite rabbits. Profit?
Can that barrel hold fluids? B/c then what about the ocean or even the atmosphere? (Though it would take a while)
I’m gonna need 100gp worth of ball bearings. I don’t know what for, but I know whatever it is will be hilarious.
Any item but cursed with wild magic, if you swing that sword, roll the d100 of wild magic.
We had a player who was obsessed with caltrops, and we gave him a magical object that let him turn any object that fit in his hand into a caltrop for 24 hrs. He could make like 50 caltrops a day. There were no real shenanigans to be had except he always turned money he was given into caltrops.
I’m envisioning someone just throwing around Lego bricks constantly.
Yes pretty much, except they ignored shoes.
We had one that was a jar of peanut butter you couldn’t give away or get rid of bc it’d teleport back immediately. It also gave a huge migraine and did damage if you ate it, and it refilled daily
A funny one i found on Reddit:
Glasses of hindsight: provide a passive perception of 20 of events suitably far in the past
Be careful with magic items, I let my guys buy a trident of fish command… In a desert. But it turns out lots of snakes etc have a swim speed…
*puts on glasses
Oh! Oh. My crush had a crush on me the whole time. Oh, I’m an idiot. My dog is not at a farm upstate. My day is ruined.
That would be wisdom! I tend to let it do that too as it’s funny
Just because something can swim doesn’t make it a fish.
It works on a beast with swim speed (doesn’t need to be a fish)
Not an item but I gave my players a talking pig with a Scottish accent. He was also a huge dick. I had stuff planned for it but they killed and ate it.
Yep, that tracks.
Crown of Good Buggy.
Crafted by a demented druid as a gift for a princess on her birthday. It was quickly regifted to a adventurer.
Once a day when the command word is spoken while worn on the head 10 bugs come quickly crawling out of the crown. Make a dex check -10 to see how many you catch (max 10) the rest skitter off.
Each bug lives a day and while alive can be eaten for 1hp healing and provides a full day of nutrition. The bugs taste of raspberry cream.
Exploding Bag of Eidolon Dust : until the next sunrise, all your players exchange their character sheets clockwise, they have to play their party members character and class until then
Is this a body-swap thing, or just the players having to play different characters?
I didn’t think this much far, I just like interesting meta stuff, force players to play each other, add extra difficulty through not being used to their temporary “new class”
No worries. I’ve never played a ttrpg, just have a passing interest and thought I’d ask. Cheers!
Might be worth crossposting to !
Fart ring is a great but fun one
I tried to cross post it here:
Not sure if I did it correctly, though
In my last game one of my players got a seemingly dubious treasure - an apron. He later found out it was The Apron of Deliciousness (based on Delicious in Dungeon). He could make monsters and other seemingly non-food items into delicious meals. At one point while trapped in a cave he kept everyone alive with spiderweb soup. queue the horn sound
Ring of mirth - allows casting of Tasha’s hideous laughter 1/day, but afflicts user with Tasha’s hideous laughter whenever a 1 is rolled.
Vaguely influenced by Baldurs Gate 3.
My favorite BG3 item is the bent wand of fireball. It allows you to cast Fireball, but only at melee range.