I have the ‘Funtastic Watermelon’ transparent red N64 w/ expansion pak, just sayin ladies 👀
… are we gonna wrestle?
'cause I got a bad knee, just so you know.
I thought it was the Rumble Pak that placed the smirk
Hey baby come over and I’ll drive against the wall for all 400 miles of the brickyard in NASCAR 2000
I really enjoyed the infinite halo vehicle rumble tbh
I bought Donkey Kong 64 as it included the expansion pack. God that game was a grind.
HBomberGuy’s nightmare 101% DK64 stream for trans charity was incredible. 56ish hours of nightmare.
StarCraft 64 was superior because you could highlight 16 troops instead of 12!
And that was about it.
Unfortunately it’s never played out this way for me
Y’know, ch-choose a movie or… Or we can watch some interdimensional cable if you want.
We now return to “Nintendo 69.”
Nintendo, oh, what are you doing to me? Oh, Nintendo, oh, Nin…
Or we can watch whatever, y’know.
Hope you like getting absolutely wrecked in Diddy Kong Racing, scrublord.
The key is not to absolutely destroy at goldeneye but to pick D tier in smash bros
I think this photo is edited
Yeah they added a white space and some text to get their point across
I was talking about her arm, but that also counts.
I don’t think it was her arm they were editing…
The arm just got caught in the crossfire.