“Rolly. Polly. Pudding.”
My siblings and I will quote this scene in our best imitation of that rat’s voice randomly and no one knows what we’re talking about lol
Damn I miss watching movies with my sisters
Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I’m not insane unless I’m in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.
“Rolly. Polly. Pudding.”
My siblings and I will quote this scene in our best imitation of that rat’s voice randomly and no one knows what we’re talking about lol
Damn I miss watching movies with my sisters
Remember folks: weather models are based on historical data. As climate change forces weather patterns to break from their historical norms, weather predictions based on previous models will become increasingly inaccurate.
Though the local, short term predictions shouldn’t be that affected so I have no clue why Siri tells me “it doesn’t look like it will rain today” while there’s literally rain falling outside my window…
If it wasn’t clear, I’m well aware of the unlikelihood of the situation. But what’s the harm in believing such? I mean it’s not like either of them is going to come back from the dead and say: “Actually, we argued about the internal weight distribution from astronaut motion, how it would effect the natural frequency of the capsule, and if that effect would be significant enough to need accounting for, not racism.”
Fun fact, my grandfather was a leading engineer on the Saturn V and other aerospace projects, and according to my dad he apparently got into arguments with Von Braun. Considering the line of work and knowing some of my grandfather’s written down arguments from that time, it’s likely these arguments were more about random physics than anything else, but I like to think it was about von Braun being a Nazi piece of shit.
I do know my grandparents were very against segregation to the chagrin of their neighbors, so it’s not entirely unlikely right?
To me, it feels like there is a big difference between not realizing you are harming others and purposefully causing that harm because you know it is harm.
Blindspots in empathy is like saying something that hurt someone because you didn’t know it hurt them. Sadism is saying something that hurts someone because you know it will hurt them.
There’s definitely a difference between the feeling of sadism and revenge too. One you do because it feels like justice, the other you do because feels like eating candy.
This kind of ties into the answer to “why would you care?” This is actually something I’ve thought about a lot (big suprise lol) and the conclusion I’ve come to is that morality and empathy are not directly correlated.
There is a difference between not stabbing someone because you’d feel that pain, and not stabbing someone because you don’t want to be the cause of someone else’s pain.
Another influence for perceived morality is the desire to be like other people. We’re a social species so lots of us have an innate desire to feel connected to others. Sure there is some desire to be unique but often times that is constrained by the desire to be accepted.
You can satisfy this feeling Patrick Bateman style like most of the psychopaths I’ve met, where you just put up a facade, doing good things only when you know you’re being watched. Or you can satisfy it by doing what I did—which come to find out is basically cognitive behavioral therapy—trying to make yourself want to do the things others think are good.
I’m pretty sure this choice is also based on internal drives where people in the former situation want the benefits that come with being a good person or fitting in, while people in the latter case directly want to fit in, we don’t want to act good, we want to be good.
Honestly that desire to be moral that is separate from empathy can be detrimental. People tend to say that “empathy without bounds is self destruction” but it’s been my experience that the moral obsession is more damaging.
For example, not eating because your roommates have friends over in the kitchen and you would feel rude to interrupt them, is unhealthy and while it is empathy that may make you think you’ll ruin the flow of their conversation, that pain is minimal compared to the pain of not eating. You don’t do it because the empathy hurts, you do it because violating your overactive moral compass hurts.
Anyway this is turning into a rant, so I should stop. I do agree with you that most people seem to lack empathy for others and this is largely because they don’t try to see things from other people’s/things’ perspectives. But I disagree with your hypothesis that empathy is what drove me to increase my capacity for empathy in the first place. I think it was driven by much more self centered drives like pride and the desire to be wanted.
Fun fact: I think I had to purposefully construct my sense of empathy.
I was literally like psychopath-sadist when I was really young. I didn’t really enact anything irl besides torturing bugs or imagining cartoon characters in pain, but around 4yo I started feeling like I was a bad person because other people didn’t seem to desire to do those things, in fact hero’s in movies purposefully avoided violence.
So the shame/guilt of feeling like I was a monster, a the desire to be like everyone else, lead me to try and make myself feel pain when I hurt other things. When my mother or sisters would tell me to come kill a spider I’d pinch myself or bite my tongue while doing so.
Then, being a curious kid, I started just trying to imagine the physical sensations of being in different bodies and having different injuries. This eventually spread to trying to imagine different emotions and by and by I didn’t have to force myself to feel it anymore. When I see someone/something get hurt, I don’t have to think about it now, I just feel it.
While I’ll admit it is possible that I’m correlating this purposeful imagination with some possible natural development of my brain creating empathy, considering that until recently I only really felt pain, negative emotions, and physical sensations through empathy, I’d say it seems most likely I built it myself.
Since realizing this a few years ago, I have started trying to feel happy/positive empathy too and it does seem like it’s been working. Though, it’s slow going because I’m hella antisocial lol.
Oh and just in case anyone is worried, I’m no longer sadistic at all. I literally can’t bring myself to kill spiders or other bugs, and there are some scenes in movies I can’t stand to watch. I can unfortunately still feel those old feelings and empathize with sadistic characters/actions, but the saccharine feeling of enjoying causing pain actually makes me physically sick now.
Because it’s not so secret that he’s turned on
The godskin duo from Elden Ring
Executive dystfunction is a symptom of ADHD and one that I have a hard time explaining to others. Most people I know don’t understand that even if I actually want to do something, sometimes I literally just can’t start doing it or I have to do weird shit like this to like talk myself into it.
Getting medicated helps a lot if you find the right meds. Honestly the current meds I’m on don’t help as much with focus, but they do help with just being able to fucking do shit and that’s the greater benefit in my opinion. The fact I can just think “oh I should do the dishes” and then start doing the dishes without having to think about doing it for half an hour before starting is still mind blowing to me sometimes.
Fair, when the moans and emotions are real, sound is icing on the cake (I did not intend that pun but we’re leaving it)
Like 90% of the time: Muted (or captions) >> sound on
Bad acting is less noticeable when you don’t hear the words. Plus when it’s muted you can make up your own story and avoid the step-bro, step-aunt, step-pizza-delivery-man bs
The bourgeoisie (parasites) pay the bourgeoisie (parasites) to make their service worse in an attempt to extract more capital from you. You give the bourgeoisie capital… to stop them from making their service worse in order to take your capital?
This is a lose lose for you and a win win for corpo scum. Use an Adblock, take to the seven seas, use platforms that are decentralized. Then it’s a win win for you and, added bonus, it’s typically parasite free.
Y’know, ch-choose a movie or… Or we can watch some interdimensional cable if you want.
We now return to “Nintendo 69.”
Nintendo, oh, what are you doing to me? Oh, Nintendo, oh, Nin…
Or we can watch whatever, y’know.
If you assume that a “bullet” is a unit of momentum (the mass and velocity of a bullet) and “square child” is actually just referring to the mass of a child who happens to be square shaped and not the mass of a child squared, then “bullets per square child” is describing valid units for a velocity
“Preposterous twaddlecock Time travel is impossible!”
“But Professor, you time traveled yourself. Remember? When we went back to Roswell?”
“That proves nothing! And furthermore, you’d think I could remember a thing like that! Plus, who are you anyway?”
Don’t forget his birthday and his mother’s maiden name too
I’m fairly certain it’s potpourri which is not a drink. When you heat it up on a stove it’s meant to fill your house with its scent. “pot pourri” directly translates to “rotten pot” which I think is accurate because I’ve never been fond of the smell
Well actually it’s the other way around. The reason imaginary numbers were invented was to solve a problem we’d been crying over for centuries.
Then, as in most cases, solving one problem opens the door to millions of other problems like why in the fuck does the universe use these imaginary numbers we made up to solve cube roots?
Why is i a core part of the unit circle with like ei*pi ? “Oh that’s because i is just perpendicular to the real number line” ?! Say that sentence again, how the fuck did we go from throwing sharp sticks to utterly deranged sentences like that? More importantly why do utterly deranged sentences like that accurately describe our universe and what is the next ludicrous math concept we’re going to discover is integral to the function of the universe?
I recently had to install windows for a research project and the fact the “latest version” i downloaded moments before needed to update while installing and then again needed to update twice after it was installed pissed me off way more than it should.
Also gotta love that my laptop can go 5+hrs on a charge with arch and xfce but lasts less than 2hrs on windows.