Giving money to Amazon, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Google .etc
It’s like, you can’t have an argument for price gouging, when you’re enabling them by spending. If people were smart, they’d stop giving them money 10 - 15 years ago and they’d be right now, trying to reconstruct so they can be more economically friendly than how they are now.
You’re wrong about literally all of that.
If you want your contribution to have any weight at all, you’ll elaborate. As it is, it is just worth dismissing
So people can just say whatever shit they want offhanded and not be criticized, but if you want to say they’re wrong you have to give exhaustive reasoning and proof for each and every thing, huh?
That’s a really dumb thing to believe so I’m wondering if you just speak frivolously without thinking and would like to walk your position back a bit.
If we dismiss dismissals, this will go on looping forever. The person they replied to did not elaborate on some very dubious claims, and as is, are just worth dismissing.
I dismiss your answer !
Op probably thinks socialism == Scandinavian welfare states. Most online USA midwits don’t know the difference
That’s what I think of about socialism. The democratic socialist Scandinavian countries
The ones that explicitly state they are not socialist?
Do you identify as an American per chance?
I identify as your mom, loser
That explains the lack of education
lol shut up dumbass