Paramount Pictures has taken a nostalgic approach to promoting the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie by creating a fully functional Sega Genesis cartridge as part of its press kit.
Paramount Pictures has taken a nostalgic approach to promoting the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie by creating a fully functional Sega Genesis cartridge as part of its press kit.
That abomination they are now calling Sonic on a mock up of old box art makes my childhood vomit.
Grow up, your childhood hasn’t been affected one iota by new things.
The fact that Sonic is still around, kicking goals, being loved by children everywhere, and making Mario look incompetent; well this makes my childhood smile.
I never would have even dreamed I’d be buying Sonic figures for my children.
Well said!
One of my fondest childhood memories is opening a shared gift with my older brother on Christmas morning. A Sega Genesis, Toejam & Earl and Sonic The Hedghehog.
One of my fondest adulthood memories is watching the Sonic movies with my kids and watching them fall in love with this new version of something I grew up loving just as much.
Lol that’s funny. Main line Mario games are matchless. Best performers there are (though Astro Bot does come close).
This is from someone who grew up with a Genesis. There is a reason Sega stopped making consoles…