If it’s important I’ll be expecting a phone call or know who is calling me. All that a voicemail does is tell spammers that they have a valid and active phone number that they should keep calling.
“Hi honey, it’s me. I’m calling from the hospital, my phone was damaged in the crash. I know this area code is weird, we were only about halfway to Grandma’s when we were hit…”
“Unknown number? I’m not listening to that shit, I’m waiting for my wife to call when she gets to her parents house!”
How do you screen phone calls without voicemail?
Are these people just raw dogging phones calls?
I don’t answer the phone for unknown numbers. Super simple
Yep, if it’s important they’ll leave a message. Wait…
If it’s important I’ll be expecting a phone call or know who is calling me. All that a voicemail does is tell spammers that they have a valid and active phone number that they should keep calling.
“Hi honey, it’s me. I’m calling from the hospital, my phone was damaged in the crash. I know this area code is weird, we were only about halfway to Grandma’s when we were hit…”
“Unknown number? I’m not listening to that shit, I’m waiting for my wife to call when she gets to her parents house!”
“We’ve referred you to the specialist, their office should reach out sometime in the next 8 months”
Good luck remembering that call is coming.
Which is why they should all be sending emails