The old internet taught us so many random skills. I couldn’t type on a keyboard for jack until I got into MMO’s back in the day, because it was pre voice comms. So I learned to type faster so I would struggle less XD
I learnt HTML and JS by viewing the source code of major sites like Yahoo (this was in the early 2000s so CSS wasn’t extremely widespread yet). That’s practically impossible these days due to how much bulkier sites have gotten. Back then, HTML and JS were simple, unminified, and easy to understand.
Now you can’t even read a blog’s html to understand what it is doing, as it’s being hosted by a website builder doing 2 billion weird things most likely.
UGH you’re just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.
My older sisters didn’t have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.
Okay but that is adorable and true XD
The old internet taught us so many random skills. I couldn’t type on a keyboard for jack until I got into MMO’s back in the day, because it was pre voice comms. So I learned to type faster so I would struggle less XD
I learnt HTML and JS by viewing the source code of major sites like Yahoo (this was in the early 2000s so CSS wasn’t extremely widespread yet). That’s practically impossible these days due to how much bulkier sites have gotten. Back then, HTML and JS were simple, unminified, and easy to understand.
Super good point!
Now you can’t even read a blog’s html to understand what it is doing, as it’s being hosted by a website builder doing 2 billion weird things most likely.
IRC and ICQ chat rooms here. Then MMOs after. I don’t type correctly(as in, finger positions etc), but I do type quickly.
UGH you’re just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.
My older sisters didn’t have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.