Why do you hate capitalism and the free market 😭
I’m just doing what’s best for the share holders!
Hear me out.
I’m gonna work to make health care more expensive, so you have to buy my service: “Make health care affordable”
Then, here’s the best part.
To save money, even after you’ve purchased my service, I won’t do that 😀
… Why are you mad, it’s just good business😭 !
Guyyyyssss, the vote was yesterday!
Also how was that mess over 10 years ago and they still are in the “Finding out” portion of FAFO?
UGH you’re just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.
My older sisters didn’t have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.
Super good point!
Now you can’t even read a blog’s html to understand what it is doing, as it’s being hosted by a website builder doing 2 billion weird things most likely.
Okay but that is adorable and true XD
The old internet taught us so many random skills. I couldn’t type on a keyboard for jack until I got into MMO’s back in the day, because it was pre voice comms. So I learned to type faster so I would struggle less XD
It says loved ones I’m afraid, can’t sacrifice one in prison I’m afraid.
Ugh that probably kills night vision of drivers.
It’s so annoying that even with obvious safety changes we can’t get people on board. Like just getting people to not have overly bright lights that blind folks some how is so hard, when that seems so simple.
That’s just sad for a lot of reasons.
Ugh we could probably talk all day about all the things the government intervened on for perceived dangers, and just ban something random to make it look like they addressed the thing.
If I go up to a politician and say “I need your help to ban a product that has killed 20,000 people this year! Will you take my cause?”
They’d act super enthusiastic until I say it’s private pick up trucks.
Hah, your 10% is terrifying realistic.
Over 40,000 people die per year from motor accidents in the US.
9/11 was 3k.
But for some reason trying to convince people that we need to treat our car culture like an emergency of the utmost importance and priority the same way we would react to another country murdering random people like 9/11 and I’m being crazy.
Or that none of their neighbors are narcs!
This is funny and they are just right.
I mean, if we care about confused and distracted drivers I have a LONG list of things I would put over caring about before this.
An extra street sign wouldn’t register on my worry list.
See if that was actually a standard for driving, I’d understand.
But we have billboards, decorations, floppy men, people dancing on the side of the roads.
If all that is allowed, I can’t really be offended by a sign saying “don’t kill people” as a form of protest.
I mean I’m never gonna hate on people who are peacefully/harmlessly protesting the amount of car deaths in the US.
Now if they started slashing tires randomly I’d disagree.
If they started slashing tires of people who killed/maimed another person from reckless driving, or regularly drives drunk and never got more than a slap on the wrist… well vigilantism is not something I will participate in at the current time. But I couldn’t judge them.
I’m not saying all stories about inviting demons/vampires into your house are inspired by bed bugs. I have 0 evidence to support that.
BUT, if tomorrow it is said that evidence that supports that theory is found, I’ll just nod and be like “Yeah that tracks”
Once you’ve invited bed bugs in, they own that house now. You don’t wanna live with them anymore? Don’t like them sucking your blood? You move.
Also all your stuff belongs to them now. You invited them in, it’s your fault.
Ooh I tried growing some mushrooms before! I got 2 good harvests and that was cool, but didn’t seem worth the effort beyond the fun factor in such small amounts. But with some of them costing $10 a pound and being able to be grown in doors if well ventilated, I bet if you get things going you should be able to make decent money without a ton of effort.
Based man.
“Hey, as a favor to YOU, bring stuff to me that I’m going to sell for a profit.”
But really, my love for people who make money through scrapping/recycling are legends. On a global scale one person doesn’t make a difference, but on a local scale it clearly does.
Oh yeah if you like photography as a hobby and already have decent gear, I remember my mom would occasionally do that from time to time! A couple weddings, engagement photos, senior pictures, stuff like that. Someone who understands the basic of how cameras react lighting and is willing to put thought into composition of the photo makes a world of difference compared to folks who don’t.
I’m not saying that Bird was named luigi. But it could have been.