• Dozzi92@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Hopefully America isn’t contagious.

      And jokes aside, the sentiment here in America seems to be people have had enough of this shit. I went for my annual physical, my insurance covers it. But I was given a paper to sign that says if I mention something ailing me to my doctor that it may turn into a sick visit and be billed accordingly.

      I am very fortunate, I make decent money, my wife has insurance for us, and so when my doc said “Do you want vitamin D screening in your blood work? It will cost extra.” I was able to say yes. And that’s a minor issue, but there are people barely scraping by, they think they’re okay because they have insurance, and then to be told this visit will cost you more money if you say you’re unwell? Get the fuck out of here.

      I love my wife and my kids to the end of the world, but I can’t imagine my mindset if I’m some single dude, at this point. How much are they going to push people? Thoughts and prayers to the difference makers out there is all I can do unfortunately.