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Thinking of a robot which can draw basic shapes upon command. Ideally, a voice command, but if that’s too complex, we can start off with a different type of command. I’m a python programmer, but have zero experience with adruino and the like. Please give me some advice to help me get started.
I’ve worked with a no-brand 3030 CNC from aliexpress in the past.
It’s about 150EUR. Controlled by GCode over serial (I used some python library I can’t recall it’s name). Did not need to write C/arduino code.
I’ve no idea about voice control.
You mean like those drawing robots they used to have at Chuck E. Cheese that took a snapshot of you and then sketched you?
RepRap is the original place where the 3d printing hobby got started. It has a wealth of info about DIY robotics and how to do more than just buying something.