I would pay for a retro gaming subscription that would give me access to over 1,000 games for $20 a month. Sega Genesis, Atari, Nintendo, Neo-Geo and so much more.
VPN then everything else is free…
Healthcare should be free
Taxes are the subscription.
Well, I mean… to be fair, no healthcare is free. It’s just paid for (in many cases) by taxes. That’s the thing that isn’t ever talked about. Taxes. The US has some of the lowest regional, state, and national taxes because there’s no Healthcare taxes besides Medicare and social security. And even those are constantly being threatened to be deducted from.
If US had a set subscription for guaranteed universal Healthcare before the gov’t could get their grubby hands on it, then US Healthcare could almost be something to brag about
As of 2021, the US spent 16.6% of its gross GDP ($23.59 billions) on healthcare expenditures. The very next was Germany, at 12.7% of its $4.28 billion GDP. The US is spending more per-capita than any other OECD country on healthcare, it’s just not made visible by looking at the number on your tax report. You’re still collectively paying for it one way or another.
… good for you, I guess.
That’s the thing that isn’t ever talked about. Taxes.
what lmao
I’m trying to figure out why you’re being downvoted. It’s possible I’m ignorant. However, it was my understanding that for the average individual in the U.S. we do have some of the lowest tax-to-GDP in the world. This is, of course, offset by drastic cost-of-living increases making any percentage of a tax increase an actual and substantial barrier. That said, any tax increase should come out of the top 10%. Everyone else has been paying the price for far too long.
Because they think the government is the problem with healthcare, not for-profit corporations.
They go hand-in-hand
CEO assassination as a service
You don’t have to pay 🙂
I wouldn’t.
I’d say I go to see a movie in an actual movie theater once a year, but the truth is I probably go half as often as that.
It isn’t that I am not interested in movies, I just don’t see the value. I am supposed to pay for a ticket, concessions, and whatever goes into travel to the theater to watch a movie with a bunch of (probably annoying) strangers in a fairly gross environment?
My guess is my annual box office contribution is approximately 0.5x the current ticket price.
If, however, there was a $20/month subscription service which would let me watch new releases at home, I would subscribe.
Even if it was relegated to expensive hardware, like an Apple Vision Pro, I would very likely buy the device and sign up for the subscription.
$240/year would be a hell of a lot more revenue than my current $5.50/year—regardless of whether or not it would be exclusive to certain hardware or platforms.
Honestly, my current TV and sound system may not be as impressive as a theater, but they are good and I’d take that experience over the modified bus depot experience of a public movie theater.
Man, I would never get a subscription for the Apple Vision / HP Reverb G2
Tbh, even if Valve offered one I don’t think I would… I’m sure it would be the most fair subscription service out there, but I just don’t think I could get on board.
don’t get consession, just bring a water and call it good
then tickets are then $10-15, at least in that USA, that’s easily justifiable to me once a month or so
You speak some truth here. I’ve been meaning hard to try and go out to movie theaters. I just keep ending up not going. Like, I know I’m missing out on the experience of seeing things on a gigantic screen at the comfort of a chair. I know I’m missing out on the latest and greatest. But it’s the expensive concessions and the experience of hearing many sounds coming from people as the movie itself tries drowning out that waters it down for me. Not to mention having to travel to the theater and pay the rising ticket prices just for the negatives.
Apple Music, if they would fix their recommendation lists. If they allowed you to make actual , for lack of better phrase , stations like you can on Pandora.
I’ve given up and asking them. I’m never going to get it so there’s no point in asking them again. I don’t know why they make stations in that manner, but they just won’t.
Try another service? Heard good things about the stations on Spotify and YouTube music 🤷♀️
Would or actually do?
I would (but haven’t bothered) to pay for getting rid of CGNAT.
I happily pay for my real debrid subscription.
a total removal of ads in my life. like, whatever marketers think I’m worth I’ll just pay them directly to GTFO.
I’ve a Good news for you then you can achieve that for free. Since 2018 I’ve only seen ads only a handful of times and even that was because I was watching TV with my family on my sibling’s “smart TV”.
My setup, unlockorigins on web browser and next DNS on phone, also instead of YouTube use newpipe or even better tubular (tubular is just a fork of newpipe with sponsor block) and I pirate all the movies and TV shows.
yah I’ve got a DNS sink setup but my whole life isn’t online.
I agree. I wear glasses anyway and I would love a subscription that filtered out digital ads, billboards, or any other kind of ad
I know many sports games a lot of the adverts are imposed digitally before broadcast. I don’t watch a lot of sports, but I would certainly enjoy watching more if there were an option to disable the added adverts.
Google used to have something like this where you ‘paid as you went’ by outbidding other advertisers for ad slots on websites. Only worked for google ads, though, and being a google product it was killed eventually…
the only “subscription” I pay for is a VPN
I know somebody who knows someone who has a private movie (TV, etc) server and had the access for free up to this year… electric prices being what they are he finally had to start charging 10$ a month.
I’ve used it for 4 years so in 4 more years the total charge is 5$ a month.
I will gladly pay for a service like this that’s private & only done as a “hobby” rather than give my minutes to a corporation.
One that splits my money over open source projects per my usage (I tell them). Currently it is too hard to find all donation links of all projects one uses and then keep an eye on them, update payment info and amount. Also if many people donate small amounts it would lessen the overhead compared to one person donating small amounts.
I’ve been wondering about the same.
Actually, this has been discussed on lemmy and we tried to set something up but it didnt pan out afaik. Feel free to push for it or link it if you find something that would work.
An odd and very specific, but sims 4. Only if it included any and all content as it’s released with no additional fees/purchases.
Last I looked (and ignoring sales, just MSRP) is several hundred dollars.
Then I remember it’s owned by EA…
As of 2023 it’s over 1000 USD.
TLDR: Overall total: $1064,45 USD/£974.35 GBP.
Seeebox and VPN.
Time travel.
I don’t have any subscriptions but maybe the patreon of a youtuber I like or something