The Nintendo 64 has always been a difficult machine to emulate correctly. But in 2025 - we should be well and truly past all of it right? Not exactly. Issues with Plugins, performance, graphical glitches, stutters. Unless you have a very powerful machine, these are common things many of us will run into when emulating the Nintendo 64. But why? And Is there any hope for fast, accurate N64 emulation in 2025 and beyond?
Do you remember if you have the black screen in this track?
It’s a classical issue in n64 emulators.
It looks different than I remember. Usually it was just a black screen.
Or in perfect dark when the camspy didn’t work with a black screen thus being hard locked out of the game pretty early in
Maybe it is a similar issue: framebuffer emulation.
How about the Kirby64 HUD?