There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.
They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.
Every state has a website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.
Hot dang! I found 200$! That’s awesome!!!
Thanks for letting people know!!! (:
I’ve been “owed” $25 by a now defunct telco for 40 years. Have had no luck getting it since all my own personal info has been changed half a dozen times over those years
Also do your HOA, if you happen to live in one. I became my HOA president, I found $150,000 (!!!) with the state treasury as abandoned.
Fuck my life but I got it back
$53. Not bad for free.
I got funds out of the blue like this once. Legit.
1k for family from a couple claims.
Awesome. Thank you for this post.
The couple claims what? How are they related to your family?
I must know!
Got a couple hundred bucks once. Worth checking.
I’ve reclaimed over 1k by this, it’s insane what some companies just give up on trying to return to you
Helped my dad through the process and he got like 41 dollars from an old business tax over charge. Not much but that’s dinner money!
Canada has something similar! Look up “unclaimed funds” or “biens non réclamés” and your province/territory!
I’ve known about this for a few years, and periodically check for myself and family. So far zilch… but I keep hoping!
Feel free to crosspost to !
Checked this in my state a few years ago, ended up getting like 50 bucks back. Took a while, I forgot about it by the time the check got here. Seemed like the state treasure was happy to have his signature prominently slapped on there.
I found my friend is owed $438
I got about $75 back
Why less?
It’s two separate people
I just checked the 3 states i have lived in and found something from an old isp. Doesnt look like it will be much tho.
I’ve heard ISP stories several times. That’s really interesting.
Yes this happened to me once , I had to create an account to pay taxes on something and I found out I had like $300 on something the state didnt pay me because I moved.