The more obscure the bettwe!
I’ve got this easy recipe that I keep doing on weekdays, for lunch, 3 times a week.
Ingredients :
- 1 pita bread
- some protein (eggs, tuna, chicken…)
- 1 green onion
- small cubes of cheese, I like using feta, but whatever you prefer
- I like adding fruits like a few sliced grapes or half an apple, diced
- diced bell pepper, sweet pickles, whatever veggies you like.
- arugula or spinach or lettuce
- some sunflower seeds
- 1 spoon of light Philadelphia cream cheese, to keep all of it together.
Instructions :
- Mix all the stuff.
- Cut the pita bread in 2 halves.
- Fill them with the stuff.
- Add the remaining of the apple to the plate
- Consume and enjoy greatly.
Something genuinely weird that i don’t make very often is a wendigo sandwich. It contains (in order) peanut butter, pickles, bacon, mayo. I make it vegan but I still say it’s good
Something i actually eat at night: random cheap kids cereal with walnuts, pepitas, or frozen berries
Pepitas? …fuck me.
If it’s good hot, I’ll probably wrap it up in a tortilla and then fry it on the stove. Burritos make basically any food better.
Bonus pts for wetting the tortilla first, depending on ingredients. That can help bring out its flavors and give it more complexity in terms of the cooking.
Another one is adding a few drops of ghost pepper chipotle sauce, grated parm/cheddar, and garlic powder to the ingredients. Tajin can be nice, too.
I pop fresh popcorn from scratch and dress it with coconut oil and smoked lime guava sea salt. Delicious.
Time for my abuelo’s only surving recipe to shine. Hang in there with me for this one!
Set gas burner to medium low.
Take a corn tortilla (bonus if you made it yourself, but store bought works in a pinch) and throw it on the burner.
Flip the tortilla just as the side is begging to have burnt spots but make sure the things not catching on fire; we’re going for ‘foldable without breaking’ so don’t torch the thing.
Once the other side looks like the first side, remove from heat.
Now, the next part depends on how clean you keep your burner…
If its clean, take your bologna (if your still with me I promise it’s worth it) out of its packaging and huck it on the burner.
Do not let it burn as its going to smell like burnt bologna.
Remove from heat and wrap in your tortilla.
Eat it while you clean your burner then question your life choices. 10/10 every time.
Damn. You sure you’re not from Atlantic Canada with your fried Bologna sandwiches?
This reminds me of a childhood snack I would do… tortilla on a gas stovetop until slightly browned then roll an American cheese slice in it afterwards when it’s piping hot off the burner. Or just a plain tortilla from the burner. I can still remember frantically blowing my burning tortilla out like it was yesterday. Agreed 10/10.
This could also be achieved using a broiler, bonus both items could be cooked at the same time.
I like bread
In an oven?
I like you too
👉👈…Good…'cause I like you too…
I can’t eat when upset but a walk, a walk usually helps and if not, a run.
Look at the healthy person over here. /S
Honestly that sounds great. Keep it up!
I love angry-running. I end up going much farther than normal.
I will just straight eat peanut butter with a spoon. The peanut butter is what I really want and putting on or in something just adds that many more calories.
(I do run into problems sometimes because my cat tries to steal my peanut butter.)
I eat a spoonful of peanut butter on a daily basis. It’s the best.
Personally, I’m partial to Skippy smooth peanut butter. It’s one of the things I’ll always buy the brand name of.
Mayonnaise sandwich. Or mayo squirted directly on a Ritz cracker.
Have you tried Kewpie mayo?
I have a lot of weird food habits thanks to years of eating disorders and just generally being a fucking weirdo, but lately I enjoy mixing a couple tablespoons of raw coconut flour with just enough sugar-free Torani s’mores flavored syrup to give it a cookie dough texture, and a bit of salt. It’s like a bowl of sugar cookie dough my delusional need to stay too-thin doesn’t feel terrible about, and since the artificial sugar and citric acid isn’t a great reaction with my meds, I only have it from time to time. 100% do(n’t) recommend!
Honestly? Maruchan instant ramen. After a long day at work, nothing hits quite like a giant bowl of instant ramen. Hell, as a kid I could just eat instant bouillon cubes with a little bit of water. It’s basically the same thing as the instant ramen broth.
Yes, I have kidney stones.
You are singing the song of my people. And definitely Maruchan, and not some fancy boutique shit. It’s such a versitile product.
- dollars for calories value is hard to beat
- 2 minutes to cook
- Add frozen peas, corn, shelled edemame, or whatever when the noodles go in, in a nod to “heathy eating.” Increases the cook time by a whole minute.
- Drain most of the water off after cooking and melt in a tablespoon or two of butter for an insanely decadent, rich dish. Good when you tire of having soub. Amazing experience, but super rich.
- You could write a book about ramen as a starter for caseroles.
- Do #4, but much less butter, and add a can of tuna. This is really nice when combined #3, and add some frozen veggies
And none of these variations take more than 10 minutes! It really is a super food.
But by far, my favorite use for Maruchen ramen is to snack on the noodle raw and save the packet. Make a batch of popcorn. Mix meltee butter into the popcorn, then mix in the ramen seasoning. Add just a dash of nutritional yeast, and you have popcorn that the gods themselves are not worthy of.
Christ, I need to invest in Maruchen. Are they publically traded? I love that ramen so very, very much.
I thought I was the only one who adds a can of tuna to instant ramen. My wife thinks it’s an abomination. We’ve started referring to my concoctions as “exotic and confronting”, but it is my comfort food.
I use one pack of seafood tom yum flavoured ramen, and one pack of Mi Goreng, cook them together in the microwave for three minutes, and add the tin of tuna for the last minute. I preheat a frying pan, I add the oil from the Mi Goreng pack and the oil from the tuna tin into the pan, and then empty the noodles, tuna, and broth into the frying pan and toss it around and fry it off until most of the liquid has been cooked off. Cook for a bit longer if you want some crispy bits in your noodles.
Really? It’s basically a form of pasta alla puttanesca, although there’s a specific version without a sauce that I can’t remember the name of. It’s pasta, tuna (usually canned), olive oil, salt, capers… it might have garlic too, I can’t remember. Anyway, doig it with ramen is just a massive shortcut and isn’t far off a traditional Italian dish.
So dont knock it untill you try it.
Grape jelly on pepperoni pizza. Its soooo good, the sweet cold jelly spread on a hot greasy pizza is just a combo like nothing else.
This makes the bottoms of my feet sweat to think about.
Also someone told me about it before and I thought it sounded disgusting. But one night I had some less than good pizza and some gravy in the fridge.
Turns out the friend who told me was right. Gravy in pizza is good. Just don’t have a heart attack.
I keep a vase full of uncooked spaghetti next to my desk and chomp on it when I need to think.
This gives me psychogenic pain.
Cheddar cheese and orange juice
I grew up in a very ghetto area so sometimes I drink 211, cheap 40s, or hobo wine and it reminds me of my childhood. Bonus points if I can find the glass 40oz bottles but they’re super rare nowadays.
Yes I can absolutely afford actually good beer and I actually have a pretty good taste in beer (at least I think so)