Death is the Road to Awe by Clint Mansell. I love music which builds to a climax.
Admittedly any guy who cuts things with his mind is permanently off my list.
How dare you. This should have a NSFW tag.
I distinctly remember them having little gems instead of belly buttons. I mean I actually remember trying to pry the gem out. Maybe I’m getting old and my memory isn’t so great anymore lol
There were a number of different ones over the years, some had gems yeah but not all
I’m a bit confused as to what’s happening in the last frame?
The website has a good text description of all the comics.
The Sharp Apprentice breaks his opponent’s sword with only his head, with a SHWING! sound
There’s also some secret text:
He actually just had a really big invisible sword.
Wayne & Garth are showing that Cassandra wasn’t necessary for their swordplay to schwing.
Embed to save a click:
The image format from the website is .avif. I wasn’t sure how well it would work to have that as the link. Seems to work fine on a web browser, but my Thunder client had major issues displaying the image.
INT builds in Elden Ring be like:
Sword? I cast Gavel of Haima
One day someone in that world will invent a spear, and they will be unstoppable.
Maya’s blade in the webcomic kill six billion demons is this, but played straight
Love me some K6BD!
The sanctioned action is to Cut.