With a substitution ratio of 65g of blood for one egg (approx. 58g), or 43g of blood for one egg white (approx. 33g)
How hungry are ya?
With a substitution ratio of 65g of blood for one egg (approx. 58g), or 43g of blood for one egg white (approx. 33g)
How hungry are ya?
Substitute for what, protein?
Eggs. I thought about changing the title to “You can substitute Eggs with blood” but that also sounded awkward.
Then I realized I’m what’s awkward.
“Substitute X for Y” meaning removing Y and adding X is super weird to me. I always have to use a conscious effort not to interpret that as removing X and adding Y.
Milk is just filtered blood. And eggs are just chicken periods…
Elaborate on “milk is just filtered blood”, because the breast is not a kidney. This doesn’t jive with what I’ve learned about physiology. Lactocytes synthesize milk proteins such as lactalbumin and casein, they aren’t filtered out of the bloodstream.
I’d argue eggs aren’t chicken periods either, it’s not their endometrial lining.
Being no expert in the field at all, I’ll post links that seem to contradict each other. In some circles, people seem to agree that basically all bodily fluids are either blood or a filtered derivative of blood. Others say this is not the case…
And those that say eggs are chicken periods aren’t quite correct, but it definitely relates to their reproductive cycle…
Very insightful. On an unrelated note, I’m off to the store to get some vegetables.