Do you still have faith in the political process of your country? Ross Perot had a good thing going in the '90s, is it time to bring it back? Vote blue no matter who, but this time harder? Join the Republicans? Abandon hope? Something else?
Watching what’s happening in your country is concerning, I hope the opposition party has a plan but so far I have not seen one. Hence the question.
We need the old timers running the party to step aside. Give up the reigns, retire when they’re able and let younger blood fill their seats, or give their blessings to 3rd parties and choose not to run against them (and preferably without outright endorsing them either so the Republicans have a harder time making the claim that they’re just the same Democrats wearing a different hat, just step aside, choose not to run a candidate, and let the new parties do their thing)
We need younger people to step up. Run for office, call and write to your elected officials, show up to vote, demonstrate in the streets, etc. pay attention to politics (no one like politics except fucking sociopaths, but they’re part of how the world works, trying to ignore them because it’s boring or it makes you mad or whatever has the same kind of energy as pretending gravity doesn’t exist because you don’t like it when you fall and scrape your knees- you’re just going to get hurt even worse if you don’t take those basic forces of the world into account.)
We need to take a step back and agree on a list of priorities. Ask 100 liberals/leftists/democrats what the most important issues are to them and you’re probably going to get 100 different lists. Climate change, LGBTQ rights, wealth inequality, healthcare, police reform, Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, homelessness, drug abuse, legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage, foreign policy, domestic surveillance, free speech, corruption, term limits, etc. just to name a few off the very top of my head
And frankly, we need to pare that down to a handful of solid issues that appeal to as broad of an audience as possible and that we can agree that these issues are the most pressing and we must make real progress on right now because there won’t be a later, and we need to agree to suck it up on some of the other issues that need to go on the back-burner for now, especially since those issues don’t have as broad support yet and so trying to bundle them in with our overall policy is just torpedoing our efforts to make any sort of progress at all.
LGBTQ rights for instance, they’re human rights, and they should be a goal that we’re striving for. We also don’t really have the popular support needed to get much done there, often even within our own “liberal” parties the numbers aren’t looking great. We should be proud of what we’ve accomplished and fight tooth and nail to hold onto whatever gains we’ve made, but we may need to walk this back from being a top-of-the-ballot issue and accept that maybe we need to deal with, for example, the climate catastrophe that is happening right fucking now and do whatever we can to prevent world war fucking 3 from breaking out in Europe first.
And we can also claim some pretty significant victories for LGBTQ people if we just avoid framing them as an LGBTQ issue. If you slap an LGBTQ sticker on a law, CHUDs will come out of the woodwork to make up excuses about why it’s bad. But if you play your cards right and avoid their trigger words you might just be able to slip some healthcare, wealth inequality, education, and police reforms through that will both help LGBTQ people now (because a rising tide raises all ships) and pave the way for further advancements down the line (because a better educated populace with less issues of their own won’t feel as much need to make LGBTQ people their scapegoat for every minor inconvenience)
Or if you don’t have the patience or will to do that, the other two options are
Accept defeat. You live in maga world now, live by their rules or risk the consequences.
Full-on revolution, no half measures, organize fast, hit them hard before they have a chance to do anything about it and rebuild the world better.
I have no desire to live in maga world. I also don’t have any desire to live through what would surely be bloody revolution with no guarantees that the right people will come out on top, so I am really hoping people get the hell on board with plan A.
The old guard has to die off or step aside first. Younger progressives are the only way forward. The platform has to be change and improvement. Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.
Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.
That depends on which side of the wealth gap you’re on, right?
The old guard has to die off or step aside first.
I don’t think “dieing off” or “stepping aside” is going to be the catalyst for change.
What will happen is that the old guards will groom the next generation in the playbook’s they’ve been (successfully) using and refining for the last decade. Those groomed players will then be their successors.
The only way we’ll get the “change and improvement” is if we (as a society) say “this is enough, you’ve gone too far”. However, given the levels of apathy and the recent election outcome, I’d say the American People will need to suffer more, before they’re shaken out of their apathetic stupor.
Im not a democrat or a liberal but i figure maybe if i answer for them theyll all come along to “correct” me and get you more traction. The answer is they wont do anything. Because they are complicit and would rather support fascists than support even the most moderate leftist in the world. Also they are cowards who benefit from the system and dont want to give up their treats. They might make some symbolic gesture of fake resistance every now and then but thats about it.
I have family very seriously investigating citizenship to another country via ancestry.
Not like the past election cycles where the losing side bellyaches about moving to Canada or whatever, they’re actually gathering birth certificates and planning a visit to the embassy
Naturally I should qualify for it too but that feels like a very nuclear action
I have family very seriously investigating citizenship to another country via ancestry.
This is what I’d actually advise most people who realistically are in a position where they can move: Get out. Don’t try to right the listing ship, you got more pressing personal issues (I bet). Just move, there are better places than the US, and that’s not even difficult to achieve. For all their individual flaws and their own right-wing parties and their rise and all, most non-US western countries at least have a higher standard of living and actual public service such as universal healthcare and shit.
I’m legally prohibited from speaking my mind honestly on this subject.
(The only thing unavailable is red ink)
I think the right move at this point is to leave the country, maybe if it gets bad enough we can claim asylum in a country that knows what that means
I’ve lived in Tennessee all my life. It’s completely stifling. Spent my whole life feeling like I’d been shoved in a tiny box with no air holes. But it’s gorgeous out here, and I love the mountains, and if I leave, that means one other queer person feels a little more stifled. Why do homophobes get to keep the mountains, anyway? So I stayed.
Even I’m thinking about kissing this country goodbye. Goddamn.
I think the general consensus is that the Democrats need to simply wait this one out. Trump will, inevitably, implode and ruin the country at which time the Democrats can ride back in more easily.
That and at every opportunity call people racist for not agreeing with the Democrats.
As a German, I can confirm that this is a great strategy.
Yeah being in power will moderate Hi… Trump!
So, good men should do nothing?
Got it.
Evil will succeed then.
I think the first step for liberals/democrats is to realize that there are no 2 parties. It’s a one-party state, that is owned by the rich operating behind the scenes, that have no interest in representing the people.
I have no party affiliation but since I lean more left I’ll give my 2 cents.
Right now Trump is in the “rip everything down” part of his plan. I’m not necessarily mad at that because the current government has been shit. Total failure in almost every category.
Later he’s going to want to put in a new government full of fascist yes-men and policies that will somehow manage to be worse than what we started with.
During the time between these two steps, I’ll have to decide if I’m staying here or getting the fuck out.
Trump wanting to do dumb shit and actually succeeding in doing that dumb shit are two different things. If he’s not able to implement his plans for whatever reason(s) there just may be hope yet for this country. In which case I’ll stick around.