The other day, I saw a post which had this screenshot in it

People pointed out that “June” not only called a trans person a slur (ok*ma), they also said “go and do what the person in Nashville did”. Then, “June” argued “where did I say anything about a shooter” and “you can’t speak for my intentions”. They also made the same argument to defend Elon Musk when he made a Nazi salute. “You cannot speak for other people’s intentions” they said.

What’s the best way to respond to people who use “you can’t speak for my intentions” to gaslight people? Have you ever encountered such people before? I’ve met many such people before.

    22 days ago

    My gut reaction would be “actions still have consequences motherfucker”, but my gut would also be to immediately remove this person from ever interacting with me again.

    Sometimes, the results of something you do don’t quite match your intentions. Mistakes happen, miscommunications happen. A genuine person would respond “oh fuck, that is NOT how I meant that”, and apologize. A gaslighter does the above.

      22 days ago


      Imagine you’re in a relationship with someone who’s been through so much suffering in the past, that they now hurt/abuse you (doesn’t matter what type of trauma or abuse it is for this example), either as a defence mechanism, or as a control mechanism, or as a preemptive strike type deal.

      You have no way of changing/helping them because they do not want to let you in.

      Even in this scenario, where we may be able to empathise, the “why” doesn’t matter. What matters is that, at the end of the day, they’re abusing you.

      If you ask me, Musk doing the Nazi salute is even more clear cut than this. We all know exactly who Nazis were, are, and will be, what’s behind that one gesture. Even if it were performed by a kid with no context of the world, it’s still a Nazi salute. The intent doesn’t matter, because the meaning has been defined waay before the performer’s intent even comes into play.

      And even if he claims that “because he’s a Fascist” (which he is) wasn’t the intent behind it, that should only make him, the Tech Bro of Tech Bros, the man with enough resources to friggin’ buy half the schools, libraries and teachers in the world, look that much more stupid, ignorant, insensitive, immature, and stupid (yes, I said that twice).

      Edit: another, personal example would be my reticence to make the peace symbol because it was so heavily co-opted by Nixon.