I don’t mean what you use to chop down your feces, but an object that you realized only your family has and people would raise their eyebrows at. Best if said object has a sole purpose.
In my kitchen I have a drawer full of salt next to the gas. Pretty convenient! It’s also divided in 2 sections with coarse and fine salt.
I’m picturing a whole drawer, is that correct? Next to like a gas cylinder?
We’ve got a frog tong. Every time a frog gets in the house catch it with a tong and toss it in the garden.
This might be a dialect thing, but I’m intrigued at what one tong is? I’m in Australia and we only have pairs of tongs - like we only have pairs of pants - and I’ve never heard them referred to in the singular.
I don’t like to use ‘pair of’ for things like tongs or spectacles spectacles which are one physical item. I do it for stuff like shoes tho. I think pair of tongs is technically correct tho
Well you did write tong before and not tongs which is what was being asked. It should still be plural, even without the “pair of” bit.
Bucket in the shower to collect run-off water for flushing? Thought it was standard until I learned people don’t even bother turning the faucet off when brushing their teeth.
What I love so much about the whole “turning the water off when you brush your teeth” debate is how everyone is basically telling on themselves.
The ADA recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes. Do you think anybody sits there and lets the water wash down the drain for two whole minutes? Or more likely does everyone have terrible dental hygiene?
??? Why is it so crazy to imagine people let a tap run for two minutes?