On the morbidly curious side of things, I do wonder what such a person looks like. You would just notice the eyes and the hair. Everything else would just be stark contrast.
There’s also the whole, “went vanta black face” issue
Yeah, after I looked at it a bit and saw that exposure to/inhaling nanotubes probably isn’t the greatest idea I figured nontoxic paint was the next go to.
Vanta Black
I’m gambling that the experience of it would mitigate how much of a pain in the ass the repercussions would be.
On the morbidly curious side of things, I do wonder what such a person looks like. You would just notice the eyes and the hair. Everything else would just be stark contrast.
There’s also the whole, “went vanta black face” issue
Vanta black face is only 2d racism.Which is a measurable amount, but incomparable to 3d racism.
The unit analysis checks out.
Vantablack isn’t really paint, it’s a coating of nanotubes the size of an atom. I wonder what that would feel like.
Yeah, after I looked at it a bit and saw that exposure to/inhaling nanotubes probably isn’t the greatest idea I figured nontoxic paint was the next go to.
I wanna know what it feels like though :(
Nice interrobang.
I had no idea a single symbol existed for an interrobang?!
It absolutely does‽ Just get your keyboard to auto replace an exclamation and a question mark next to each other into an interrobang.
There’s also ⸮ which was a (very) early attempt at what /s now is.