The whole graffiti a Swasticar/Nazicar thing seems to be generated by some Cambridge Analytica group busying people with fighting amongst each other to take the aggression out caused by the govt., rather than spending time on other more important things.
Can these sorts of posts be removed / discouraged for the fediverse?
Nazis will feel less safe to spread their hate in public, is the idea.
And driving a Tesla is spreading hate, how? And not even neo-nazis have a similar ‘See a Jew, Punch a Jew’, so by your ‘idea’, doesn’t that make non-Nazis more violent?
Violence is not inherently bad. The badness depends on the context. So “doesn’t that make them more-violent??” appeal is technically true, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
“Cutting someone open and taking out an organ” is pretty fucked up, unless it’s in a hospital and they’re removing an appendix so the patient doesn’t die.
Punching someone in the face is usually bad, but if that person is planning to go on and do mass murder, it’s still in the black.
How do you tell they’re a nazi? Well, sometimes they tell you. Sometimes they wear a clothes that signal it.
Sometimes people act like “if you can’t write an algorithm to perfectly decide how to behave in all cases you’re wrong” and that’s just not how human behavior and decision making has ever been. People make judgement calls with incomplete information all the time, and that’s okay.
By allowing their Nazi CEO to continue to be the CEO. The board could fire him at any point, but won’t. People driving rustbucket trucks bought after it was clear that he was supporting the far right.
How does that make non-Nazi’s more violent? That makes no sense. Tolerance of Nazis will get you nowhere.