For reference, this was the Instagram post that got her fired:
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”
So not outright hatred of any other groups, but she’s basically trying to equate “oppressed” Republicans being generally shitty people to Jews during the Holocaust. If anyone in America is promoting hate at this point in time though, it’s Conservatives and Right-wing media.
I started reading knowing nothing about this person or what happened to her, so at first I’m like “ok, this seems reasonable”, “why would you get fired for this”, but there it is, those last two words like a slap in the face that change the entire context of where she was coming from, and going, with that twisted thought…
They always blame marginalised people for “playing the victim”, but there are no bigger victimhood seekers than bigots. It’s projection all the way down.
Republican/conservatives love their macho rugged individualism persona. Fuck your feelings, big trucks, tough guy/gal demeanor.
And in the same breath, they will whine about how they are oppressed because people dislike them for their words and actions that are actively demonizing others. Minorities, LBGT, liberals, name it. They very vocally victimize others and then play victim when called out for it, all while trying to act tough.
It’s like they saw every despicable bully trope on TV, that always ends up tucking tail and running when their comeuppance arrives, and said “yeah, that’s who I want to be”
For reference, this was the Instagram post that got her fired:
So not outright hatred of any other groups, but she’s basically trying to equate “oppressed” Republicans being generally shitty people to Jews during the Holocaust. If anyone in America is promoting hate at this point in time though, it’s Conservatives and Right-wing media.
I started reading knowing nothing about this person or what happened to her, so at first I’m like “ok, this seems reasonable”, “why would you get fired for this”, but there it is, those last two words like a slap in the face that change the entire context of where she was coming from, and going, with that twisted thought…
They always blame marginalised people for “playing the victim”, but there are no bigger victimhood seekers than bigots. It’s projection all the way down.
Republican/conservatives love their macho rugged individualism persona. Fuck your feelings, big trucks, tough guy/gal demeanor.
And in the same breath, they will whine about how they are oppressed because people dislike them for their words and actions that are actively demonizing others. Minorities, LBGT, liberals, name it. They very vocally victimize others and then play victim when called out for it, all while trying to act tough.
It’s like they saw every despicable bully trope on TV, that always ends up tucking tail and running when their comeuppance arrives, and said “yeah, that’s who I want to be”
I mean, they idolize the losers of history, like the Nazis and the Confederacy.
I love this perspective - short, succinct, and true.